Trey Gowdy spills the beans on McCabe

Former South Carolina congressman Trey Gowdy spent some time explaining his understanding of the DOJ's decision to dismiss charges against Andrew McCabe on Maria Bartiromo's Sunday Morning Futures. Gowdy clarified what charges were dropped by the DOJ and what might still (we hope) be in store for McCabe.

Gowdy, along with Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan and other Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, was investigating the Russia probe back when it started. They eventually produced the Nunes memo in 2018, describing the FISA abuse which the Horowitz report just recently confirmed. Thus, Gowdy is uniquely positioned to comment on the McCabe situation.

The recent headlines are confusing because they seem to say that McCabe is not under investigation, but Gowdy said that McCabe is escaping indictment for a "discreet fact pattern," for the leaking he did during the Clinton email investigation.

The DOJ was having trouble getting an indictment for those charges, and Gowdy suggested that they dropped the case because it was too weak.

The good news, according to Gowdy, is that the DOJ may be pursuing McCabe on matters like the FISA abuse and the illegitimate initiation of the Russia Probe and any other misdeeds McCabe may have engaged in.

McCabe could be cooperating with Prosecutor John Durham's investigation. Hopefully, Gowdy is right, and justice may yet be served.

Bartiromo and Gowdy also discussed the whole counter-intelligence probe and timeline during the interview.


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