The "war" president

In today's press conference, President Trump announced that he is invoking the Defense Production Act to meet the needs the coronavirus pandemic has produced.

There is a limited supply of ventilators, masks, and protective gear needed to fight the Chinese coronavirus.

The Defense Production Act was first enacted in 1950 to ramp up supplies during the Korean War. The language in the bill allows the president to use it in the "war" against the coronavirus. The president can authorize the production of medical items like respirators, ventilators, face masks, and other items if needed during the coronavirus pandemic.

According to the Lexington Institute military expert Loren Thompson,

The Defense Production Act permits the president to push national security items to the front of the line, rather than following items that were previously ordered. It exists to speed up urgently needed items."

In fact, the president said he is now a "wartime" president, identifying the enemy as Covid-19, the Chinese coronavirus.

“Now it's our time. We must sacrifice together, because we are all in this together, and we will come through together. It's the invisible enemy. That's always the toughest enemy, the invisible enemy.”

The president asked for questions after he and his various task force members finished updating the nation. The second question asked was the media's new talking point, their attempt to label the president a "xenophobe," asking if he would continue to call the virus the "Chinese" virus.  The president responded that he would call it that because that is where the coronavirus originated.


An ABC correspondent repeated the question about labeling the virus the "Chinese" coronavirus.

After listening to the reporter's comments and question one would think that President Trump was the only person who had called Covid-19 the Chinese coronavirus. It turns out that the president is simply calling the coronavirus by the same name the mainstream media called it until now.

The Media Research Center created a montage of the many times the media used the name.


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