Rudy Giuliani spills the beans, Biden Loses It

On Day 3 of the Senate trial of President Trump, Sylvia Garcia, a Democrat House manager, presented arguments designed to debunk the idea that Joe and Hunter Biden were involved in corruption in Ukraine. It was surprising to hear so much about the Bidens and Ukraine during the impeachment trial.

In fact, it is puzzling that Russia and Ukraine have loomed so large over Trump's time in office. The career bureaucrats, the Biden's, and career congressmen and women seem to know so much of what is going on in Ukraine, but President Trump and the American people are just finding out now.

It is getting to the point that when folks hear the names Russia or Ukraine, they get a bad taste in their mouths since these two countries have been coupled with all the divisiveness, acrimony, and antagonism directed toward President Trump and anyone that supports him.

A tale of two Ukraines

Even the most unpolitical American must be wondering what is going on over there in Ukraine. President Trump surely stirred up a hornet's nest. Most Americans are probably in shock over the role Ukraine is playing in our lives, now.

Perhaps this is really a tale of two Ukraines, the permanent progressive international political class's Ukraine that works like an ATM, US aid in and then right back out into the pockets of the politically connected, and President Zelenskiy's Ukraine that is tired of being the playground of corrupt international progressives (Soros) and oligarchs, that wants to function like a real democratic republic.

Why are the Democrats willing to tear apart the US over Ukraine?

One has to wonder why the House Democrats and others are so furiously worked up about President Trump's request to Ukraine President Zelensky for help investigating what went on in Ukraine during the 2016 election? Why the relentless bombardment? Morning, afternoon, evening, in the House, on cable news, on the campaign trail.

Why are they so furiously denying Joe Biden's role in firing the Ukraine prosecutor that was investigating the company, Burisma, on which's board, Hunter Biden sat? What are they hiding?

If, as Biden says, there was no corruption, how would an investigation hurt him? Wouldn't a thorough investigation exonerate him? 

Corrupt anti-corruption activities

If Biden and our embassy were involved in corruption in Ukraine, what better way to deflect attention than touting your "anti-corruption" activities?

The president's personal lawyer, Rudy Guliani, has an explanation. He asserts that the Democrats are fomenting this impeachment so vociferously to cover up their own corrupt dealings in Ukraine. There is evidence that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 US election, and there is evidence that our US ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, was meddling in Ukraine affairs issuing "Do Not Prosecute" lists to Ukrainian prosecutors, among other things.

John Solomon

Guliani is not the first to uncover the shady dealings of Obama administration officials. Investigative reporter John Solomon has been writing about Ukraine, Burisma, and the Bidens for several years. He's written for Politico and The Hill (which describes him as a former employee) and posts on his own website.

On the Burisma investigation, Solomon wrote:

This may be the single biggest under-reported fact in the impeachment scandal: four months before Trump and Zelensky had their infamous phone call, Ukraine law enforcement officials officially reopened their investigation into Burisma and its founder.

The Democrats "spike" Rudy Guliani's arguments in a two-pronged attack

The House Democrats and the Biden campaign conducted a two-pronged pre-emptive attack. House manager Garcia ran interference in the Senate impeachment trial and the Biden campaign took on the press.

House manager Sylvia Garcia made an impressive presentation intended to prove that Biden was just helping to rid Ukraine of a corrupt prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, a man that all of Europe considered corrupt. Why were the Democrats risking bringing up the topic of Biden when they don't want him as a witness in the impeachment trial?

Guliani has been pretty vocal about what he has been uncovering in Ukraine, so it stands to reason, if he has damning evidence of Biden corruption, that the Democrats would like to take out the argument before it is made.

But Guliani is ready to spill the beans, and Biden's campaign is also preemptively striking by issuing a memo to news agencies, warning them not to push a "debunked" theory about him in Ukraine.

Biden Memo orders media to stop spreading "misinformation"

Biden, who has told the media more than once what they can say about him, issued a memo recently, to inform the media what they should be saying about him, Hunter, and Ukraine.

According to Politico, "The memo, released a day before the start of Trump’s Senate impeachment trial, says there is “no evidence” for disproven claims pushed by the president that Biden sidelined a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating an energy company that his son, Hunter, held a high-paid position with."

The memo goes on,

“To fail to make clear that the conspiracy theory and false accusations about Joe Biden have been comprehensively disproven, to artificially prop-up these egregious lies based on the 'principle' that if partisans make accusations, they have to be treated as legitimate regardless of the facts, is to make you an enabler of misinformation,” the memo warned reporters and media outlets.

John Solomon has responded with an article of facts that Biden and his campaign must have forgotten when they wrote the memo.


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