President Trump explains the "Chinese" virus

President Trump, while taking questions during a press conference, was asked if he should call Covid-19 the "Chinese" virus.  The reporter that asked the question was concerned that calling the virus the "Chinese" virus might create a stigma. The president's response was quick and to the point, exposing the question and questioner as dumb at best and malicious at worst.

Many are coming to realize that China must be held accountable for allowing the virus to escape their country. The Chinese attempt to accuse and blame the US for the coronavirus is reprehensible.

The US and other countries should rethink their dependence on China for essentials such as antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, and medical supplies. Go here to read an excellent article by Victor Davis Hansen about our current situation and China's role in bringing the world to a standstill.

Praise from his enemies

After days and days of listening to the media and the Democrats excoriate the president for his "incompetency" in handling the coronavirus outbreak, praise for his actions came from unlikely sources like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and CNN's Dana Bash.

Cuomo and Trump have had their disagreements in the past, especially over the president's tax reform of the SALT deduction capped at $10,000. New York taxes residents heavily, and with the cap on the deduction of state and local taxes, many residents are having to pay more tax to the federal government. New York could ease the tax burden on residents, but they haven't. Cuomo has voiced his displeasure with Trump frequently.

Cuomo said of the tax reform, "It was politically diabolical and also highly effective, and if your goal is to help Republican states and hurt Democratic states, this is the way to do it.”

In spite of his dislike of the president, Cuomo is willing to praise him for the work he and his task force are doing to manage the coronavirus outbreak in New York and in general. New York is the hardest-hit state in the country at this writing.

Even more shocking than hearing Cuomo praise the president for anything at all is to hear a CNN anchor say something good or positive about him. But CNN's Dana Bash did just that saying that President Trump is being the kind of leader we all need. Please watch this rare event.

Slowing the virus and saving lives

The coronavirus, now in every state, is claiming more victims, but President Trump and his task force are making their recommendations, and states are settling on a method to slow the virus. The American people are figuring out what they need to do to help.

Hopefully, if we all are willing to reduce our movements, we can help slow and even end the progress of the coronavirus. Let's get this done, America, so we can get back to normal.

Here is Vice President Mike Pence explaining that 15 days of social distancing will help slow the virus.

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