President Trump at CPAC was everything conservatives could hope for

President Trump spoke at the 2020 Annual CPAC event in the closing speech. In some ways, the speech was a repeat of the State of the Union, as the president reiterated the policies he and his administration are pursuing.

The speech was also very different than SOTU when the president was in enemy territory. At CPAC, he was among friends and seemed at ease. His speech included stories, jokes, concerns, hopes, and encouragement that his supporters would appreciate and understand. As some would say, there was plenty of "Red meat."


On a serious note, the president addressed Coronavirus and elaborated on the measures that the CDC is taking to keep Americans safe during this outbreak. He reminded the audience of his early actions to enact travel restrictions from China and the benefit of taking that action.

He addressed how the Democrats politicized and criticized him for taking decisive action. New travel restrictions have been enacted to keep people from certain affected countries out. He said, "We will do everything to keep the virus from entering our country."

The president called for an end of politics saying, "It is time for all Americans to put politics aside and come together to  work for the health and safety and security of the American people."

In discussing "the swamp"  the president said he believed that justice will be had. Let's hope he is right.  He, like us, is amazed at how deep the swamp is, and full of bad people. When he said, "I never knew the swamp was so bad.  I didn't know how dirty it would be, how deep it would be," he spoke for many of us.


Addressing the agreement the US and the Taliban signed to end the war in Afghanistan after 19 years of conflict, the president said: "We can't be democracy builders and the "policeman" of the world, emphasizing that we need to take care of America first...  " After years of building foreign nations, he said, it is time to rebuild our nation." "It would be so much easier for our country if we had a press that told the truth."

Broaching the problem of sanctuary cities and states and the dangerous gang MS-13, the president brought up a recent court ruling that gives him some leverage against the sanctuary cities. The radical left and activist judges have been able to block much of ICE is supposed to be doing.  According to The Hill,

A federal appeals court on Wednesday ruled that the Department of Justice (DOJ) could withhold funding from cities and states that refuse to cooperate with the Trump administration's crackdown on undocumented immigrants.

Billions of dollars are at stake.

Sleepy Joe and Crazy Bernie

The president was very funny when talking about his Democrat rivals Sleepy Joe, Mini Mike, Pocahantas, Crazy Bernie, and Alfred P. Neuman (Buttigieg), conducting a poll to see which candidate the CPAC audience favored. Crazy Bernie seemed to be the favorite of the crowd. Regarding Bloomberg, he said, "How would you like to spend $700 million dollars and end up with nothing?"

When talking about border security, he said, "We are determined to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country."

The president was at his best when talking about the radical left,

"Far-left radicals are dangerous and are trying to transform our lives. They want total control,  they want to raise taxes, they want to bury us in regulations, they want to control children's educations, they want to impose fanatical political correctness, they want your money, they want to take away your choice, your speech, your guns, your history,  your future, and your freedom."

Thanking God

While wondering what he might have accomplished if the entire Democrat party and media weren't doing everything to stop him, the president said that what they were able to accomplish was "sort of a miracle." Pointing upward he said,  "Maybe it's right there, thank you, thank you, God."

President Trump spoke for over an hour and seemed to please the crowd. They often broke into chants of "USA" and "Four more years!"

The president promised to be at CPAC in 2021.

President Trump talks about Warren and Bloomberg:

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