Michelle Obama Slams Female Trump Voters: 'What Is Going On In Our Heads?’

We have all heard the countless excuses offered up by failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for why she lost the 2016 election, one of which is to blame women voters for not overwhelmingly choosing her.

But now that blame-casting on women voters has been echoed by former first lady Michelle Obama during remarks delivered to the 2018 United State of Women Summit.

According to The Daily Caller, Obama stated, “In light of this last election I’m concerned about women, about how we think about ourselves and each other."

"I think more about what is going on in our heads, where we let that happen,” she added in reference to President Donald Trump's election, quite literally questioning the thought processes of the women who voted for him.

“So I do wonder what young girls are dreaming about when we’re still there, when the most qualified person running was a woman, and look what we did instead,” Obama said.

Michelle Obama suggested that women hold themselves to a higher standard than men do, and in light of that claimed, “Women are still suspicious of one another.”

“If we’re not comfortable with the notion that a woman could be president, compared to what?” she asked rhetorically.

That, of course, drew resounding applause from the audience of liberal feminists.

However, Obama has it all wrong in her assessment of women not being "comfortable" with another woman as their president.

The vast majority of women -- as well as a majority of men -- would have no problem with a female president ... Democrats just choose the absolutely worst woman to run as the first female nominee.

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Had the Democrats not picked an utterly corrupt and unlikeable woman in Hillary Clinton as their nominee, they very well could be celebrating the election of the first female president of the United States right now.

Unfortunately for them, and apparently much to the dismay of liberal women like Obama, there were enough other women out there who decided on their own to go a different route than corrupt progressive leftism and decided they'd rather see Trump as their president.

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