Maxine Waters condemns President Trump in rant to union members

Of all of the Democrats who voice opposition to President Donald Trump, California Rep. Maxine Waters may be the most outspoken.

But now she may have gone too far, as she just profanely cursed and condemned the elected leader of this nation in a speech to union members.

According to Independent Journal Review, Waters recently addressed a small gathering of members of the Teamsters Union Local 630 in Los Angeles where she launched several verbal attacks against the president.

While speaking about supposed Republican-led attacks against unions, Waters loudly proclaimed, "Damn this president, we are not going to let him destroy organized labor!"

Just prior to that she asserted that our nation was near a "Constitutional crisis" because Trump was a president "the likes of which we've never seen before."

She countered the notion that Trump would one day learn to be "presidential" and stated, “He's never going to be presidential because he does not respect the Constitution of the United States of America.”

Waters seemed to admit that some union members around the country supported and voted for Trump because they felt they hadn't received a "fair shake" from Democrats.

But she immediately followed that with, "Let me tell you this, whether it is health care, or whether it is food stamps, or whether it is any of the issues dealing with the least of these ... (organized labor and the right to bargain) ... it has not been Republicans. It has always been Democrats” who stood with union members.

Later in the speech, she attacked Trump on the issue of "immigrant rights" and ludicrously stated that he "does not respect the immigration laws we have in this country," a laughable claim given her own party and state's actions in that regard.

She further asserted that Trump "doesn't deserve to be president" because he is "dangerous" and "dog-whistling" to anti-immigrant racists.

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Waters also declared that Democrats would "take back the country" and repeal the tax cut legislation, claimed Trump and Russia were in cahoots, expressed her support for the Robert Mueller special counsel investigation, called Trump a "crook and conman," and renewed her call to "impeach 45!"

It is one thing to offer up informed disagreement with the president on policy issues, but this member of Congress is rather ill-informed, and she has gone too far with her baseless and constant attacks. Watch the whole thing below:

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