It's over: Trump is forever acquitted

The entire nation has been through a gut-wrenching political nightmare as the Democrats in Washington acted out a three-year temper tantrum because Donald Trump won the 2016 election.

Now, it's time to celebrate and thank God that the efforts of the Democrats to remove the President have failed. The country is still in one piece thanks to sober-minded Republicans in the Senate.

Acquitted forever

Senate Leader Mitch McConnell deserves a lot of the credit for guiding the impeachment trial calmly through to the predictable end, not allowing Chuck Schumer and the Democrat House managers to bully him into giving them more than they deserved.

McConnell held the line, maintaining that the impeachment was illegitimate and should be treated as such in the Senate. And the Democrats were bullies, threatening all sorts of dire consequences if the Senate didn't give them their way. No matter, President Donald Trump is forever acquitted. 

State of the Union

In spite of the colossal efforts of the House Democrats to obstruct President Trump, he had a great year.

His SOTU was a long list of accomplishments including the signing of the trade agreement USMCA, historically low unemployment rates through every demographic, a roaring stock market, and millions of new jobs.

10 million people are off the welfare rolls.

Trillions of dollars of wealth have been created by the roaring stock market.

The Senate has approved 187 judges.

The President reaffirmed his commitment to life, promising to push a ban on late-term abortions, and he committed to pursuing school choice for American families. In spite of the 24/7 media blitz against him, the President is enjoying a good approval rating that remained steady throughout the impeachment process.

The impeachment effort by the Democrats only seemed to consolidate the President's support among the GOP senators and congressmen. This party unity has been forming since the beginning of this Congress, and it is very welcome. With the support of Republicans in the House and Senate, the President should enjoy even more success.

Pelosi and the Democrats

No doubt the Democrats will make another run at the President, but they run the risk of crying wolf too many times. Americans of every political stripe are tired of the hysterics coming out of D.C.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi seemed to signal her frustration with the failure of impeachment when, at the end of the State of the Union speech, she tore up her printed copy in a childish display of temper.

UnMITTigated Disaster

Then there's Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney is either gullible or malicious. This writer believes the latter.

He has opposed President Trump since he joined the Senate in 2019 after cultivating the President's endorsement to win his senate seat. He justified voting to convict President Trump for obstruction of congress as the morally right thing to do to fulfill his oath.

Romney accepted the Democrat's accusation that the only reason President Trump would want the Ukrainians to investigate the Bidens would be to affect the 2020 election, refusing to entertain the idea that the president had a legitimate reason to look into corruption, especially by a former vice president. He invoked the name of God, his oath, and his faith as reasons to vote to convict:

But my promise before God to apply impartial justice required that I put my personal feelings and biases aside. Were I to ignore the evidence that has been presented, and disregard what I believe my oath and the Constitution demands of me for the sake of a partisan end, it would, I fear, expose my character to history’s rebuke and the censure of my own conscience.

Romney said he could not ignore the evidence, but the Democrats presented no evidence, only hearsay, and presumption. If Romney, along with the Democrats were successful in convicting the President with such "evidence" the Republic could no longer provide justice for all.

Romney's decision to embrace the Democrats accusations will make him a political pariah, and rightly so. He should really consider switching to the party that hates the president as much as he does. Utah has to be embarrassed to have to own the one GOP senator that voted against the President. Even before the vote, a movement was underway in Utah to remove Romney. Go Utah!

The Ingraham Angle provides some great commentary on the momentous events:

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