Cash-strapped DNC pays millions for Hillary Clinton's email lists

A largely underreported story over the past year is how the Republican Party is flush with cash through successful fundraising efforts. Meanwhile, the Democrats are virtually bankrupt as funds have barely trickled in.

That financial shortfall was already posing a significant issue for Democrats as they head into the 2018 midterm elections, but failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton may have just made it worse for them. According to the Intercept, Federal Election Commission filings revealed that the Democrat Party apparatus has been compelled to pay roughly $2 million for access to Hillary Clinton's email lists of donors and voters from the 2016 election.

Clinton's group, Onward Together, received $1.65 million from the Democratic National Committee for the valuable donor and voter information that was compiled by the Hillary for America campaign in 2016.

It also appears that the group charged the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee $700,000 for access to the same information.

This is not illegal, as the lists are considered her property, but it still has some Democrats unhappy.

Consider that former President Barack Obama's Organizing for Action "gifted" a similar email list to the party in the years following the 2012 election, even as those lists were considered more valuable than Clinton's.

However, even Obama's "gift" of the email lists left some Dems unhappy as they viewed OFA as a "parallel" organization to the DNC and DCCC that had siphoned off donors and support the party otherwise might have received.

Of course we know how well the Democrat Party did during Obama's tenure in office, losing more than 1,000 elected seats on the local, state and federal level.

That left the party in ruins, and Clinton's massive loss in 2016 only made matters worse.

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Now that the party is broke and getting walloped by GOP fundraising, Clinton's demand that they pay for her voter info is akin to a parasite sucking their host dry ... and that couldn't happen to a more deserving group of people.

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