Cuomo picked the "26,000 people who are going to die"

New York governor Andrew Cuomo, in a press briefing today, demanded that President Trump send more ventilators to New York, saying that they needed 30,000 ventilators or people would die.

President Trump, armed with information, shot back that Cuomo should have followed the advice he received in 2015 to buy 16,000 ventilators to prepare for a pandemic. Cuomo did not buy the ventilators and he is now seeking to direct attention away from his improvidence by accusing President Trump of dereliction of duty.

Mainstream media outlets claim that the president is relying on "far-right" blogs, but the language is right there in the "New York State Department of Health and New York State Task Force on Life and the Law Update Ventilator Allocation Guidelines."

In 2015, Dr. Howard Zucker counseled Cuomo in the guidelines. "Pandemic influenza is a foreseeable threat, and New York has a responsibility to plan now."

Zucker admitted that New York did not have enough ventilators to deal with a flu pandemic, and then went on to say that if they bought more ventilators they wouldn't have the technicians to run them!

In a severe public health emergency on the scale of the 1918 influenza pandemic, however, these ventilators would not be sufficient to meet the demand. Even if the vast number of ventilators needed were purchased, a sufficient number of trained staff would not be available to operate them.


Betsy McCaughy, Lieutenant Governor under Governor George Pataki, wrote that Cuomo authorized "death" panels. She has been smeared as far-right also, but the authority to choose who will get ventilator treatment in the event of a shortage is in the New York State Task Force document, also.

All patients in need of a ventilator are subject to one of the three clinical protocols, using objective, universally-applied clinical criteria to evaluate a patient's likelihood of survival.

Patients who have the highest likelihood of survival with ventilator therapy receive priority...To ensure that patients receive the best possible care in a pandemic, the guidelines call for a triage officer or triage committee to determine who receives or continues to receive ventilator therapy. To prevent a conflict of interest, these decision-makers are not the patients' attending physicians. The decision regarding whether to use a triage officer or committee is up to each hospital, given the different resources at each site...

Patients not receiving ventilator therapy should receive alternative forms of medical intervention. Palliative care will be provided to all patients to manage patient discomfort.

President Trump wants to re-open the American economy by Easter

Perhaps many people at this point in the coronavirus pandemic have been wondering and discussing if locking the entire country down is really necessary. Older people, the most vulnerable, are suggesting that they can self-isolate while the rest of the country gets back to work.

Others, like Dr. Anthony Fauci of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, are offering hope that increased testing will allow states to target hotspots while allowing the rest of the state to go about their business.

If we do the kind of testing that we're doing ... and you find after a period of time that there are areas that are very different from other areas of the country, you may not want to essentially treat it as one force for the entire country, but look at flexibility in different areas." Dr. Fauci

President Trump set the goal of being able to restart the world's largest economy by Easter which is April 12th. Let's hope and pray that happens.


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