Chuck Schumer threatens Supreme Court justices

Senate minority leader Charles "Chuck" Schumer is so rabidly pro-abortion that he went to the Supreme Court steps and threatened Supreme Court justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch if they dared to make "awful" decisions about any case concerning abortion.

Schumer and the radical Democrats are raging because the Supreme Court is now hearing arguments about the Louisiana law requiring abortion doctors to have admitting privileges at hospitals.

Democrats tried to equate what Schumer did with what President Trump said recently about Justices Sotomayor and Ginsburg. In that case, Trump criticized Justice Sonya Sotomayor for a critical dissent that she wrote, implying that the court was favoring President Trump or his policies. Trump suggested that she and Ruth Bader Ginsburg recuse themselves from cases that concerned him or his policies. For more on this story go here.

Criticizing is not equal to threatening

Criticizing and asking or even telling justices to recuse themselves is not a threat. Telling justices that if they make "awful" decisions they will pay the price and they won't know what hit them is.

Schumer's office claimed that Schumer's words really meant that a grassroots movement would rise up and politically punish Republicans, but even CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin considered Schumer's words a threat, saying, "I’m certainly not going to defend what Chuck Schumer said. It did sound like a physical threat."

Chief Justice Roberts considered Schumer's statements threats and rebuked him, saying, “Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous. All members of the Court will continue to do their job, without fear or favor, from whatever quarter.”

Senator McConnell rebukes Schumer

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell opened the Senate with a strong rebuke for Schumer and read Schumer's threat into the congressional record. He addressed the first argument that Schumer wasn't threatening Gorsuch and Kavanaugh but Senate Republicans.

McConnell explained that the third branch of government, the judiciary, must remain independent from political passions in order to deliver justice. He reminded the Senate of the recent attacks made on the judiciary including Schumer's bullying of Justice Roberts during the recent impeachment trial of President Trump.

McConnell also reminded the Senate that reckless rhetoric had resulted in an enraged man shooting Republican congressmen at a baseball game in 2017. Congressman Steve Scalise nearly died from the gunshot wound he received. The shooter made sure the baseball players were Republican before he opened fire.

After McConnell finished his rebuke, Schumer rose to defend his indefensible words, saying that he would never threaten physical harm and that Republicans and McConnell were manufacturing the problem.

He said he believed passionately in "women's rights," using them to justify his threatening words, claiming that the right for women "to choose"(to abort their children) justifies the attack on the judiciary if that "right" is threatened by their decisions. If you dare to touch woman's right to choose (abortion), we'll burn the house down!

Chuck Schumer always gets plenty of screen time, so his defense is easy to find. McConnell's warnings are harder to find, but much needed so they are included in their entirety.

Watch McConnell explain the seriousness of Schumer's threats to the judiciary:

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