Daily Christian News

Hamas attempts to overrun Israel-Gaza border


Monday marked the official opening ceremony of the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem, a time of celebration of the strong relationship between America and Israel.

But the terrorist group Hamas that wields power in the Gaza Strip just used the occasion to launch a coordinated and violent effort at breaching the barrier separating Gaza from Israel.

According to Breitbart, tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza have gathered near the border fence at the urging of Hamas, granting cover for attacks by Hamas members and serving as a shield against counter-attacks and efforts to disperse the crowd by Israeli Defense Forces.

Hamas claimed that nearly two dozen Gazans were killed by Israelis and hundreds more wounded, but Israel disputes those numbers and Hamas has a tendency to exaggerate casualty claims.

For their part, the IDF claimed to have shot and killed three Hamas militants attempting to plant explosives at the border fence, and asserted others were killed after opening fire on Israeli troops guarding the border.

It was reported by Israeli media that protesters set tires on fire to create a smokescreen and have taken shots and thrown rocks at Israeli troops, while also flying incendiary kites across the border in an effort to spark widespread wildfires in Israel.

They also have made several coordinated assaults at various points along the border fence — specifically directed by Hamas — in an effort to breach the barrier so terrorists can pour through and do their worst, utilizing the civilian protesters as cover and human shields.

“From the information we have, it appears Hamas is encouraging and sending protesters to the border fence in order to carry out violent acts and damage security infrastructure,” announced Israeli Security Service Shin Bet, who added that operation was funded by Iran.

They also reported that Hamas had ordered their militants to hang back from the fence until a breach had been opened, which would allow for civilian protesters to bear the brunt of the casualties in creating the breach.

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Such civilian casualties would no doubt be exploited by the Israel-hating liberal media and serve as a propaganda coup for Hamas.

Hopefully, this effort coordinated by Hamas to breach the border fence between Israel and Gaza fails, and the IDF is able to protect the citizens of Israel from mass terror attacks.

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