Judge Jeanine calls out ‘nonstop personal vendetta’ against Trump from Mueller’s team, the media

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Special Counsel Robert Mueller filed sentencing recommendation reports in court on Friday against both former Trump attorney Michael Cohen and former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, who’ve run afoul of the law for things entirely unrelated to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign or Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 election.

Of course, the liberal media seized on the reports as the latest proof that “We’ve got Trump now!” — but Fox News host Judge Jeanine Pirro saw things differently and excoriated the “Trump-hating” media and Mueller himself for the “personal vendetta” being waged against the president and his associates.

“Nonstop personal vendetta”

In the “Opening Statement” segment of her Saturday Fox News program, Pirro said: “It’s time for the left to fold up their fantasy tents. If they hate Donald Trump so much, maybe they should focus on winning the 2020 election instead of this Russia collusion delusion nonsense that’s been wasting our time, our money and dividing our nation for two years.”

She continued: “The nonstop personal vendetta against the president by Mueller and his rabid team of Trump-hating prosecutors, breathlessly reported by the Trump-hating media at every turn, is so intense that they proudly beat their leftist chest any time they issue an indictment against someone, anyone, most are whom are living in Russia and will never be brought to justice here, or anywhere else, for that matter.”

Pirro added that, aside from the indicted Russians who will likely never be prosecuted, Mueller’s other indictments were for crimes that took place prior to Trump’s campaign, or for “process crimes” like lying to investigators after the Mueller investigation began, or for matters so insignificant as to warrant minimal (namely 14-day) jail sentences.

“It’s nonsense”

“Bottom line: None of the indictments that the special counsel has brought has tied the president to Russia. But you wouldn’t know it from these guys,” Pirro said in reference to the media.

The judge went on to play a compilation of clips of liberal media figures speculating wildly about how bad Mueller’s reports were for Trump, how they opened him up to potential legal consequences, and how they would inevitably lead to his eventual impeachment by the incoming Democrat-led House.

With a shake of her head, Pirro could only chuckle at the thought of Mueller and the media relying upon the questionable and suspect words of Cohen, who she described as “one of the most flawed prosecution witnesses I’ve ever seen, and that’s saying something,” as indisputable evidence of criminal activity by Trump.

As for the payments by Trump through Cohen to two women to buy their silence about alleged affairs in the past — which isn’t illegal, and the women voluntarily accepted the “hush money” for the stories they’d been seeking to sell — Pirro said it was done “maybe to simply get the women off his back… It wouldn’t be the first time a high-profile person paid to get rid of a nuisance lawsuit.”

The judge further noted that the payments were made with Trump’s personal money, not campaign funds, which further rendered them as non-crimes.

“And so far, $30 million taxpayer dollars for this nonsense. It’s nonsense,” she added, in reference to the running cost of Mueller’s ongoing investigations.

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Judge Jeanine has made it abundantly clear that she is no fan of Mueller or the “get-Trump” investigation he is leading, nor is she a fan of the breathless media reports hyping every single development out of that investigation as if it is the final nail in Trump’s political coffin, regardless of how insignificant they really are.

She’s tired of hearing about this government-led “witch hunt” — and we can’t say we don’t agree.

654 Responses

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