Daily Christian News

US Senate confirms conservative judge – flips 2nd Circuit

Amanda Walker / CCL

One of President Trump’s greatest legacies so far has been his remaking of the federal court system.

Once plagued by judicial activism, the nation’s courts are once again returning to their original purpose – protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States.

The Senate took another giant step towards that goal recently, confirming Trump nominee Steven Menashi to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals. The 2nd Circuit, long a bastion of liberal judges, is now majority appointed by Republican presidents.

The Epoch Times reports:

Menashi was confirmed by the Senate by a 51-41 vote, which was majority party-line except Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who has fiercely opposed the 40-year-old’s nomination.

Ahead of the vote, Menashi was praised by Republicans who argued he was one of the Trump administration’s most qualified judicial nominees.

Senate Democrats were predictably vitriolic about the choice.

Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer stated:

“Mr. Menashi is one of the most contemptible nominees to come before the Senate in all my time in this body. He would be a disgrace, a disgrace to the seat once held by the great Thurgood Marshall.”

Schumer can gnash his teeth all he wants, but Menashi is now a federal judge.

Menashi is highly qualified for the position, with degrees from Dartmouth and Stanford, and experience in practicing and teaching law.

Menashi served as a White House lawyer for President Trump, a likely source of much of the Democratic opposition to his confirmation.

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