Daily Christian News

Trump gets credit from solid majority for good economy

Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock

One of the main reasons Donald Trump was elected president is that many Americans figured placing a successful businessman in charge of the country would be good for the economy.

A recent poll showed that roughly two-thirds of the nation agree that former businessman-turned-President Trump has indeed been good at improving America’s economy.

According to a CBS News poll, some 68 percent of respondents stated that Trump’s economic policies were either “somewhat” or “a great deal” responsible for the current state of the economy.

Furthermore, a full 74 percent believed the current state of the economy was either “somewhat” or “very” good.

Overall, 42 percent of respondents felt “optimistic” about the economy while only 33 percent were pessimistic and 25 percent said they were unsure.

Broken down along demographic lines, it was revealed that Trump even received credit for the good economic state by a slim majority of Democrats, 53 percent.

A solid 68 percent of independents gave Trump’s policies credit for the economy and an unsurprising 87 percent of Republicans did as well.

In a potentially troubling sign for identity politics-obsessed Democrats, Trump received credit for the improving economy from majorities of both black and Hispanic respondents, 65 and 60 percent, respectively.

Another troubling sign was the level of economic credit the president received from the category of respondents who weren’t Trump supporters but admitted they could eventually be swayed to support him, 59 percent, while even 50 percent of hard-core Trump opponents agreed he was doing well with the economy.

As to the notion that Trump was elected so he could apply his business skills to the economy, he received more mixed reviews overall at 51 percent who said those skills would help “a lot” or “some,” but even there he received majorities among staunch and conditional supporters, as well as the swayable opponents.

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Democrats and the liberal media don’t want to admit it, but a significant portion of the American people believe the economy is doing better than it was before, and the vast majority of them have given President Trump and his economic policies credit for that “win.”

That is bad news for Democrats heading into the 2018 midterm elections, who in essence have to hope for an economic downturn in their own nation to help bolster their political fortunes.

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