Bill O’Reilly appears on the Glenn Beck show – DESTROYS Impeachment Coup

Bill O’Reilly has busy since his ouster from Fox News, writing books and commenting on the political scene on Twitter. But in yet another sign that his career is again picking up, O’Reilly made a special appearance on the Glenn Beck show – and folks, he hasn’t lost a step. The most powerful and eloquent […]

Sean Hannity obliterates whistleblower claims

Democrats have been making hay out of the recent testimony of Alexander Vindman in the closed-door impeachment hearings, mostly because Vindman has been arguing that the transcript of the call released by the administration may be incomplete. But what the Democrats aren’t telling you is that Vindman’s superior, Tim Morrison, just testified. And his testimony […]

House Democrats pass impeachment bill

Democrats have passed a House resolution that will formalize the impeachment investigation against President Trump. It wasn’t easy for them, as all the Republican representatives and two House Democrats voted against the resolution. Breitbart reports: The vote featured two Democrats, most likely Reps. Van Drew (D-NJ) and Collin Peterson (D-MN), who voted against the resolution. […]

Don Jr. tells the truth about impeachment

Donald Trump Jr. appeared on Fox and Friends on Wednesday – and proved that he “gets it” more than most seasoned political commentators. It’s surreal to watch the dozens of talking heads on TV acting as if the fake impeachment scandal actually matters. The reality is that to the millions of Americans who voted for […]

Tucker Carlson absolutely guts the Democratic case for impeachment

If there’s one thing that Democrats can agree on, it’s that President Donald Trump has to be impeached. For what? To them it doesn’t matter. The fact is, Democrats will use any excuse to do what they couldn’t do in a free and fair election: beat Trump. Tucker Carlson is really good at beating Democrats […]