Final numbers of the Nevada Democrat Caucus: Sanders resoundingly finished in first, Joe Biden a distant second, Pete Buttigieg in third and Elizabeth Warren in fourth place.
President Trump weighed in on Sanders' win, congratulating him and hoping that he would be treated fairly by the Democrat party.
Sanders is building a strong socialist populist movement which has pushed him into the frontrunner position in the race for the Democrat nomination. Buttigieg and Biden both are sounding warning bells about what a Sanders nomination would do to the Democrat party.
In a surprising twist to Russian meddling in US elections, Russia has shown interest, not only in President Trump's campaign but also in Sanders' campaign.
The Sanders campaign was briefed by intelligence officials a month ago that Russia was intervening on his behalf. Sanders rebuffed the idea and warned Russia and other foreign powers to stay out of US elections.
"Let’s be clear, the Russians want to undermine American democracy by dividing us up and, unlike the current president, I stand firmly against their efforts, and any other foreign power that wants to interfere in our election. I don't care, frankly, who Putin wants to be president. My message to Putin is clear: stay out of American elections, and as president I will make sure that you do.”
President Trump said he was not briefed on Russian interference in the Sanders campaign, nor was he briefed about interference in his own campaign.
Reportedly, the President is angry because Adam Schiff and the House Intelligence Committee were briefed before he knew anything about it. He has accused Adam Schiff of leaking the information about the Sanders campaign to the press.
In an op-ed piece in USA Today, Attorney General William Barr, FBI Director Christopher Wray and multiple other senior administration officials urged the public to be vigilant for threats to elections. The infrastructure of voting in the states is not affected by these hostile foreign governments.
Disinformation is the big threat from Russia, China and Iran according to Barr, Wray, and others. Sanders mentioned this in one of his speeches, saying that the disinformation is meant to divide us as a nation.
If disinformation is the threat, then the Russians can't hold a candle to the Democrat party and their willing accomplices CNN and MSNBC, the Washington Post, The New York Times, and other news outlets.
They have managed to divide the country along party, racial, and gender lines without the aid of the Russians, the Chinese, or Iran. They continue to attack the American people that voted for President Trump. They are drawing racial lines between the states like Iowa and the states that look "more" like America, such as Nevada.
They are still pitting men against women and LGBTQ people against straight people. They continue to call the president a criminal, the most corrupt president, the most dangerous president, without a scintilla of evidence offered for these claims.
The Mueller report cleared the president of collusion with Russia. The House impeached the president without naming any crimes. The Senate acquitted the president. The Horowitz ICIG report corroborated the claims that the FBI abused the FISC to spy on Donald Trump.
The disinformation lives on in the mouths of not just Vladimir Putin, but Democrats like Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, Jake Tapper, Chris Cuomo, Rachel Maddow, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, et al.
The Democrat party has the most to gain from divisive politics, and they don't need Putin's help.
Update: watch Rep. John Ratcliffe discuss the problem of disinformation and Adam Schiff.
I don't know anyone in the last three years who has done more to help Vladimir Putin and Russia with their efforts to sow the seeds of discord in American elections and American election security than Adam Schiff.
— John Ratcliffe (@RepRatcliffe) February 24, 2020
The House Managers have finally made it to the Senate to begin the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump. During the next three days, they, as well as the president's legal team, Chief Justice Roberts, and the Senate will be deciding what rules will guide the trial.
Unsurprisingly, the Democrat managers are demanding more discovery, more witnesses, more evidence. These demands come after weeks of the House Democrats insisting that their impeachment case is "infallible," "undisputed," etc.
If that is so, why do they need more evidence and witnesses? They are admitting that they don't really have a case that will hold up without the extra evidence and witnesses.
The House Democrats say they want a fair trial, but anyone who has been following the impeachment inquiry knows that they ran a very one-sided inquiry, forbidding the president's lawyers to participate for 71 of the 78 days it took to complete the inquiry. In fact, it has been all Democrat impeachment show, all the time.
You have to hand it to the Democrats, they never stop, whether they have a case or not. They never let the truth get in the way.
They continue to argue that they are fair and the Republicans are not. If those arguments don't appear disingenuous to you, they should after you listen to the president's lawyers.
Deputy Counsel to the President Patrick Philbin clearly explains in the video below the abusive behavior of the House Democrats in bringing an incomplete case to the Senate. He pointed out that in a real court of law, the Democrats would be thrown out.
Philbin quoted Manager Adam Schiff, "If you only allow one side to present evidence, the outcome will be pre-determined," and pointed out that that is exactly what the Democrats did in the House. As Philbin said, Schiff has a lot of gall!
The Democrats continue to propose amendments to Senate Resolution 483 to subpoena more evidence, most of it from sources that would be covered by executive privilege. So far, the Republicans in the Senate are voting in a solid block to table the amendments according to Senator Marsha Blackburn. At this time, six or seven amendments have been proposed and tabled along party lines, Republicans 53 to Democrats 47.
I predict that the trial in the Senate is going to become very tedious and unwatchable.
The rule that the Senators are not allowed to talk about the trial must not yet apply, as both Democrat and Republican senators are commenting to the press at this time.