In a decisive legal victory for a Christian sports ministry, a federal court mandated the inclusion of its student chapter at Jackson-Reed High School in Washington, D.C. This ruling came after the school initially barred the group due to its stances on leadership qualifications.

A federal judge has recently decreed that D.C. Public Schools' exclusion of a Christian sports group likely breached constitutional rights due to discriminatory policy implementation, The Washington Post reported.

U.S. District Judge Dabney L. Friedrich ruled that the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) was unfairly denied the opportunity to establish a chapter at the public high school due to its leadership's stance on homosexuality, which required affirmation of Christian values. The organization, known for integrating faith with sports, was suspended and later banned from campus following complaints about its membership policy.

The controversy began when an assistant coach expressed concerns about the FCA excluding LGBTQ+ members, prompting the school district's actions. In her 31-page opinion, Judge Friedrich highlighted inconsistencies in the application of anti-discrimination policies, noting that other groups with specific membership criteria did not face similar scrutiny.

Court Scrutinizes Policy Applications

During the legal proceedings, it emerged that secular groups like Girls Who Code and the Gender Sexuality Alliance at Jackson-Reed High School operated under specific guidelines without facing the same obstacles as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). Judge Friedrich indicated that this differential treatment likely violated the constitutional guarantee of equal treatment under the law.

The decision to reinstate the FCA pending further litigation reflects a broader judicial scrutiny of how schools enforce anti-discrimination policies. Judge Friedrich criticized the school's handling of the matter, highlighting inconsistencies in the treatment of religious and secular organizations, especially regarding scrutiny and compliance.

In response to the ruling, the city defended its actions, arguing that it had proposed options to the FCA, such as severing ties with its national organization or adjusting its leadership criteria to better align with school policies. However, these suggestions required approval from the FCA, complicating the resolution of the dispute.

Constitutional Rights at Forefront

Judge Friedrich, citing a precedent from the 9th Circuit, emphasized the importance of allowing student groups to select leaders who uphold the organization's core beliefs, a principle central to debates on freedom of expression and religious rights in educational settings.

In the case, Matthew R. Blecher, advocating for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), argued for the right of religious student groups to choose leaders who align with their beliefs, similar to other clubs organizing around shared characteristics or interests. On the other hand, Joe Davis highlighted the broader implications of the ruling, suggesting that conflicting decisions across judicial circuits may require Supreme Court intervention for clarity.

Principal Sah Brown of Jackson-Reed High School acknowledged the school's historical openness to student clubs but emphasized recent efforts to revise club guidelines and publications to eliminate any exclusionary language.

Implications for Future School Policies

The reinstatement of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Jackson-Reed High School establishes a significant precedent for applying anti-discrimination laws within the educational system, particularly concerning religious groups. The discussions and outcomes of this case are positioned to influence future policy-making and the handling of similar issues across schools nationwide.

Beyond allowing a chapter at one high school, this legal battle raises fundamental questions about how to balance individual rights with the enforcement of public policy. It highlights the ongoing complexities at the intersection of religious freedom and anti-discrimination laws in American schools.

In conclusion, this case at Jackson-Reed High School prompts essential considerations about fairness, religious expression, and the consistent enforcement of anti-discrimination policies. Judicial scrutiny over selective policy application may compel schools nationwide to reassess how they accommodate religious student organizations, ensuring they uphold constitutional rights while fostering an inclusive educational environment.

A recent study shows a significant increase in in-person church attendance among Evangelicals in the U.S. post-pandemic, alongside growing digital engagement.

The Christian Post reported that the research reveals a dual movement toward digital exploration and vigorous in-person church commitment among Evangelicals following the pandemic.

The collaborative research, conducted by Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research, specifically looked at the church attendance habits of 819 Evangelical Protestants who attended church services at least occasionally before the pandemic struck.

This collective initiative between a brand communications agency and a consulting firm aimed to provide deeper insights into the changes in church attendance post-COVID-19. The shift includes increased regular and digital engagement with church services.

Expanding Digital Frontiers for Churchgoers

The data indicates a tripling number of Evangelicals who first check out churches on digital platforms before stepping foot in them, rising from 5% pre-peonage to 15% after that.

This new trend showcases how digital platforms are becoming integral to church exploration, revealing the evolving nature of church engagement in the digital age.

However, despite the rise of digital explorations, the study reveals that most younger Evangelicals, particularly those under 35, still prefer finding their place of worship through traditional, in-person methods.

About 78% of this demographic found their church through an in-person worship meeting, with only 4% having their first church experience online.

The Power of Personal Invitation

Personal invitation remains a potent method for church visits, maintaining its efficacy with slight variation before and after the pandemic. The effectiveness of personal invites slightly decreased from 59% to 57% but remained the dominant method.

Despite the growing digital influence, this indicates a continued reliance on community and personal relationships within Evangelical circles.

Furthermore, there is a noticeable difference in engagement methods among different age groups. While 71% of the younger Evangelicals were invited personally, only 51% of those aged 55 and above reported the same experience, showing more varied engagement patterns among older churchgoers.

A Rise in Regular Church Attendance

Current statistics show 54% of Evangelicals attending an in-person service weekly and 65% participating at least once per month, marking an increase in physical church engagements post-pandemic.

On the digital front, 39% of Evangelicals tune into church services weekly online, and an additional 15% do so once to three times per month.

Ron Sellers from Grey Matter Research highlighted the shift in church engagement patterns. "Many who were less committed churchgoers dropped church entirely during the pandemic and have not come back," he noted.

Sellers also pointed out that for those continuing to attend, "It appears Evangelicals may be attending more frequently than before the pandemic when we combine in-person and digital worship services."

Implications for Church Leadership

Mark Dreistadt of Infinity Concepts emphasized the importance of such studies. "Research studies like these are essential to understand the changes and trends of the American Church. Digital-first engagement has tripled from where it was pre-pandemic, yet three out of four Evangelicals are finding a church by walking into a service," he remarked.

Dreistadt also stressed the need for strategic planning based on solid data rather than anecdotes. "Anecdotes, assumptions, and unsupported beliefs are not a good basis for determining ministry focus and direction.

Church leaders need to make decisions based on real-world information and strategic thoughts about the people each church wants to reach."

In conclusion, the study underscores a nuanced landscape where digital mediums serve as a preliminary touchpoint and a supplementary form of engagement for Evangelicals, with traditional in-person methods still playing a vital role in community and spiritual life.

The findings suggest a robust engagement from younger demographics through personal invitations and physical attendance, underpinned by a strategic usage of digital platforms for church exploration and regular participation.

In a heartfelt display of faith, minor league baseball player Wes Clarke was baptized by his teammate Brewer Hicklen at their team's ballpark following a victorious game.

Wes Clarke's public baptism took place at the ballpark amid the cheers of teammates and fans, showcasing his commitment to his Christian faith, Movie Guide reported.

After Clarke's Nashville team secured a 4-1 victory over the Memphis Redbirds, a celebratory event unfolded at the ballpark near home base, using a large tub as the makeshift baptismal pool.

Teammate Brewer Hicklen, officiating the baptism, stood ready as people gathered around the field to witness the ceremony. Both Hicklen and Clarke donned "Jesus Won" T-shirts, emphasizing the event's religious significance.

Hicklen immersed Clarke in the water, and Clarke emerged to applause and support from teammates and spectators alike. The public display attracted attention from those present and across social media, where Clarke shared his reflections on this profound personal moment.

Wes Clarke's Journey From College To The Minors

Before entering the minor leagues, Wes Clarke spent three fruitful years at South Carolina College, honing his baseball skills and achieving notable successes that set the stage for his professional journey.

Clarke started in the Milwaukee Brewers system at the A level and quickly ascended to AA due to his impressive performance. His minor league career has been defined by impressive statistics, including 26 home runs, 80 RBIs, and a .392 on-base percentage last year.

Recently, Clarke earned a promotion to the AAA team, the Nashville Sounds, marking a significant milestone in his emerging baseball career.

Personal Life And Expression Of Faith

Clarke publicly declared his faith on social media following the baptism. He updated his Instagram bio to "Christ Follower" and shared a Bible verse from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, reflecting his spiritual dedication.

Faith and family imbue Clarke's personal life. He and his wife, Mariah, anticipate their first child later this year. Mariah shares her husband's deep Christian beliefs and expresses her faith online, championing a life guided by spiritual values with the phrase "more of Him, less of me" featured in her Instagram bio.

The shared faith between Wes and Mariah Clarke underscores a fundamental aspect of their lives, providing strength and unity as they anticipate the arrival of their new family member.

Brewer Hicklen's Role In Wes Clarke's Baptism

Brewer Hicklen, Clarke's teammate, played a pivotal role in conducting the baptism ceremony. Having a close friend and fellow believer officiate added a personal and profound layer to the event.

Clarke reflected on the emotional and spiritual significance of the day in a post expressing gratitude: "Had the privilege of being baptized yesterday on the field by one of my good friends @brewerhicklen after our game. Thank you, Jesus, for this amazing moment in my life. I am so incredibly blessed to be surrounded by so many supportive people. It was such a special night! 🙏"

The baptism symbolized Clarke's faith journey and strengthened the bond between teammates united in their spiritual pursuits both on and off the baseball field.

Viral Reaction And Support From Fans And Teammates

News of Clarke's baptism spread rapidly across social media platforms, touching the hearts of fans and followers globally, extending beyond those physically present at the ballpark.

Teammates cheered and fans watched in supportive silence at the event, creating an atmosphere of unity and communal celebration in the stadium that reflected strong camaraderie and respect among the players.

Wes Clarke's public display of faith underscores the profound resonance of personal beliefs in professional settings, uniting people of diverse backgrounds and religions in shared moments of humanity.

Conclusion: A Milestone In Wes Clarke's Life And Career

In summary, Wes Clarke's baptism at the ballpark vividly declared his Christian faith to teammates, fans, and a broader online audience.

This event marked a significant personal and spiritual milestone for Clarke, celebrated after a victorious game and underscored by his and Brewer Hicklen's shared commitment to faith, symbolized by their "Jesus Won" T-shirts.

Furthermore, Clarke's faith has profoundly influenced his baseball career and personal life, including his upcoming fatherhood, as evident in public proclamations he and his wife have made on social media. The event highlighted not only Clarke's personal beliefs but also the supportive environment of his team and the broader baseball community.

In an emotional appeal in Washington, D.C., former President Donald Trump rallied Christians to engage vigorously in the forthcoming November elections, expressing deep concerns over threats to their religious values.

According to The Western Journal, during his address at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference, Trump accentuated the pivotal role of Christian and evangelical votes in ensuring the protection of Christian doctrines in the U.S.

Trump opened his keynote speech at the conference by underlining the importance of Christian engagement in political processes. He stressed that the current administration under President Joe Biden poses significant threats to the core values held by the Christian community.

Accusations were abundant as Trump criticized Biden's stance towards Catholic Americans, highlighting the case of Mark Houck, a pro-life activist who faced legal challenges. Trump depicted this as a broader campaign against religious freedoms by the Biden administration.

The former president did not shy away from controversial topics, touching on issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and transgender rights. He contended that these were areas where Christian values were being directly challenged under the current leadership.

Trump Spotlights Perceived Persecution Of Catholics

Trump also engaged with the audience regarding what he perceived as direct attacks on Catholic Americans, suggesting illegal activities such as spying were targeting them. His proclamation of an anti-Christian bias under Biden's governance resonated with attendees concerned about religious freedoms.

Moreover, Trump argued against Biden's interpretation of Catholic moral teachings, highlighting the contradiction given Biden's professed Catholic faith. He pointed out that several Catholic leaders have voiced objections to Biden's policies, which they believe contradict fundamental Catholic doctrines.

In response to what he views as widespread anti-Christian biases, Trump proposed the establishment of a federal task force dedicated to protecting Christian Americans from governmental overreach and persecution.

Trump's Promises To Defend Judeo-Christian Values

Reiterating his commitment, Trump promised to review and rectify the cases of individuals he described as "political prisoners," suffering under unjust persecution due to their pro-life and religious beliefs. His supporters have seen this move as a staunch defense of religious liberties.

Moreover, Trump reassured his audience of his unwavering commitment to defending Judeo-Christian values, echoing promises made during his first presidential term when he claimed to champion religious freedom like no other president.

Further motivating the crowd, Trump emphasized the significant impact the Christian electorate could have if fully mobilized. His speech strongly encouraged attending church and actively participating in the political process through voting.

Trump Encourages High Christian Voter Turnout

Highlighting the necessity of honest elections, Trump expressed concerns over potential corrupt practices that could undermine the Christian vote. He urged vigilance and active participation from his audience, emphasizing his perception of the current administration's failures and the need for a solid turnout to correct the course.

"If I knew there was not going to be corruption, I'd stop campaigning right now, we'd have this thing won," Trump asserted, underscoring the importance of fairness and integrity in the electoral process.

Summing up his views, Trump spoke directly to the attendees, stating their integral role as "warriors" in defending their beliefs against what he described as a dire threat to their freedoms under the Biden administration.

Support For Trump Among Christian Voters

Matt Carpenter from FRC Action echoed Trump's sentiments by commenting on the political climate. He acknowledged the profound understanding among Christian voters of what is perceived as an increasing threat to their values. Carpenter highlighted their ultimate accountability to higher ideals and divine guidance rather than any political figures.

In the context of the broader American political landscape, Trump's speech signifies a campaign rally and a broader call to action aimed at rallying the base of Christian voters who played a pivotal role in his initial electoral success and could be crucial again in the upcoming election cycle.

As the November elections approach, the mobilization of Christian voters remains a significant priority for Trump and the broader conservative movement, with potential implications for the balance of power in U.S. politics.

Reiterating The Call for Christian Mobilization

In conclusion, Trump's speech at the recent "Road to Majority" conference was a clear mobilization call to Christian and evangelical voters. Asserting the dangers posed to their values under the current administration, Trump emphasized the critical importance of their votes in defending religious freedoms and influencing the political landscape.  Moreover, Trump's proposals highlighted his strategic focus on religious liberties as a cornerstone of his potential reelection campaign, solidifying his promises.

Experts have unearthed a 1,500-year-old ivory pyx beneath an altar in an abandoned hilltop settlement in a remarkable archaeological discovery.

The Western Journal reported that this rare Christian artifact provides fresh insights into the artistic and religious symbology of late antiquity.

In 2016, the excavation unveiled two Christian churches and various dwellings around a central cistern adorned with personal items and religious artifacts.

Among these discoveries was the intricately carved ivory box or pyx, found under the altar in a side chapel, capturing the attention of historians and archaeologists alike.

The imagery on the pyx is both profound and unique. One side depicts Moses at Mount Sinai, a seminal Old Testament event where he receives the divine laws.

Gerald Grabherr, a prominent archaeologist involved in the study, explained the significance, noting, "This is the typical depiction of the handing over of the laws to Moses on Mount Sinai, the beginning of the covenant between God and man from the Old Testament."

Depiction Of Christ's Ascension Breaks Conventional Boundaries

The other side of the pyx presents a more uncommon portrayal: the Ascension of Christ into heaven, depicted not conventionally but with a two-horse chariot known as a biga.

This representation, previously unseen in Christian iconography, suggests a fascinating blend of cultural influences during that era. "The depiction of scenes from the Old Testament and their connection with scenes from the New Testament is typical of late antiquity," remarked Grabherr, adding, "However, the depiction of the Ascension of Christ with a so-called biga, a two-horse chariot, is extraordinary and previously unknown."

The rarity of such artifacts adds to the significance of this finding. Only about 40 known ivory boxes similar to this pyx exist worldwide, with the last discovery occurring nearly a century ago.

According to Grabherr, "We know of around 40 ivory boxes of this kind worldwide, and as far as I know, the last time one of these was found during excavations was around 100 years ago."

Conservation Challenges Due to High Humidity

Preserving this artifact posed significant challenges due to its compromised condition. Unearthed from a damp marble shrine, the pyx had absorbed moisture, making it extremely delicate to handle.

Ulrike Töchterle, a member of the conservation team, highlighted the precarious state of the pyx, stating, "Ivory, especially ivory stored on the ground like in the marble shrine, absorbs moisture from its surroundings and is very soft and easily damaged in this state."

The high humidity at the excavation site further complicated preservation efforts. Töchterle noted, "Due to the very high humidity of 90 percent in the marble shrine immediately after salvage, the risk of condensation and mold formation was very high." The subsequent drying process was meticulously managed to prevent further damage, spanning an extensive two years to complete.

The discovery's context raises questions about the circumstances leading to the artifact's concealment and the eventual abandonment of the site. By 610 A.D., the collapse of the Roman Empire and subsequent Slavic invasions reshaped the region's religious landscape, prompting the Christian community to flee, leaving many sacred items behind. "It's something of a mystery why the ivory pyx was left where it was, especially since a reliquary like this is normally taken away as the 'holiest' part when a church is abandoned," observed Grabherr.

Future Plans: 3-D Reconstruction of the Pyx

The conservation team plans to create a 3-D reconstruction because some parts of the pyx are too distorted for traditional restoration methods.

This modern technique will allow scholars and the public to appreciate the artifact's original craftsmanship and intricate designs, bridging a gap in history that has remained closed for centuries.

In conclusion, the discovery of this ivory pyx has not only unveiled a unique piece of Christian iconography but also opened a window into the religious and cultural exchanges of late antiquity.

The intricate depictions of biblical scenes provide a tangible link between the Old and New Testaments, enriching our understanding of the period's artistic and theological discourse.

As conservation efforts continue, this artifact promises to offer deeper insights and provoke further scholarly discussions on early Christian art and culture.

Governor Andrew Cuomo failed to stockpile medical supplies for his state back in 2015 when he was advised that New York did not have enough ventilators in a pandemic. Back then, the ventilators would have cost a little over half a billion dollars out of a budget well in excess of $150 billion dollars. Now that there is a pandemic, Cuomo is using the crisis to make up for his dereliction of duty, getting the federal government to pay for something that New York should have paid for years ago.

Day after day, Cuomo has been demanding that the federal government send more ventilators, saying they don't have enough. When asked if he was stockpiling the ventilators, he said of course, because the hospitals don't need them yet. Cuomo is planning for the worst case scenario, 30,000 people needing ventilators at the same time. That sounds reasonable, but Cuomo has been saying repeatedly that the hospitals do not have enough ventilators now.

Dr. Deborah Birx debunks the 60-70% number

Dr. Deborah Birx, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force,  reassured New Yorkers and Americans that our health care system is adequate to the task and the country is working overtime to supply what is needed. She also said that there is no model that they are working with that shows 60% to 70% of Americans infected with the coronavirus.

New Yorkers flee the city

Meanwhile, New York City residents have been fleeing the city and possibly spreading the virus to other parts of New York and other states. Rhode Island has told New Yorkers to stay away.

Dr. Deborah Birx, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, warned those fleeing NYC to quarantine themselves for 14 days after arriving in a new place to avoid spreading the virus.

To everyone who has left New York over the last few days, because of the rate of the number of cases, you may have been exposed before you left New York. Everybody who was in New York should be self-quarantining for the next 14 days to ensure the virus doesn't spread to others, no matter where they have gone — whether it's Florida, North Carolina, or out to far reaches of Long Island."

Dr. Birx appeals to New Yorkers that have left NYC to self-quarantine. Watch:

The Democrats have blocked the Coronavirus Response Bill twice now as the American people wonder what will be left of their jobs, their businesses,  or their economy. Just as the Senate was about to pass the bill, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi blew up the negotiations in order to craft her own bill in the House.

Majority Whip James Clyburn wants the coronavirus relief bill to be about a Democrat wish list. "This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”

Ostensibly, the Senate bill does not offer enough protection for "workers" among other things. The Democrats say "workers" need more protections, which is just code for "the unions need more power."

The Democrats, are nothing if they are not loyal to the unions, which donated more than $1.1 billion dollars to Democrats in 2018.  Now those same unions want to hold up much-needed stimulus in the form of loans for businesses until they get their pound of flesh, more power in the name of the "worker."

Republicans fall into a trap

Republicans and President Trump have fallen into the trap of using Democrat terms, calling Americans "workers." They think they are talking about all Americans that work, including small businessmen, tradespeople, independent contractors, and employees, but that is not what Democrats mean.

They only consider union members as "workers," which represent 1  in 10 Americans. The federal government needs to consider all the people that power the largest economy in the world, and Republicans need to stop calling Americans "workers."

88% percent of the American workforce is not unionized.  36% of those unionized "workers" are government employees such as teachers, police officers, firefighters, and others. Only 6.4% of the private sector is unionized.

Except among government agencies, union membership is in decline, yet unions like the AFL-CIO and SEIU wield a disproportionate amount of power in places like California, New York and Washington DC. Government employee unions make up a whopping 36% of all unionized workers.

Government agencies are particularly suited to meet union demands in "collective bargaining" because they have an endless supply of tax revenue. The private sector just doesn't have as much money to meet union demands.

Union-backed bill harms Californians

Sadly, policy that is crafted for the "worker" often harms small businesses and their employees, and independent contractors which can include bookkeepers, stylists, exotic dancers, authors, artists, dancers, musicians, consultants, translators, and many more.

Indeed, California is just realizing the full effect of an AFL-CIO crafted bill since it went into effect in January. The bill was sold to Californians as legislation to protect Uber and Lyft drivers and provide them with employee status.

But, in reality, the bill has hurt upwards of 16% of the workforce in California, which amounts to thousands and thousands of independent contractors. Many of them are women needing the flexibility of working for themselves to manage their work and family time.

They are losing their livelihoods due to the draconian penalties included in the bill. Sponsors of the bill simply don't consider the people working outside of unions and big companies as "workers," and therefore they believe they can't have hurt anyone because they simply don't exist. You can listen to some of the justifications here.

This video explains the harm done by such legislation.

This is America

This is America. If someone wants to work for a company he should be free to make that choice. If someone wants to work for herself, she should be able to. Americans do not need politicians to take care of them. People should be able to make their livings as they please without government passing legislation that destroys their livelihoods.

Independent contractors enjoy working for themselves, setting their own schedules, and taking responsibility for their own healthcare and taxes. But people like the AFL-CIO think that they know better how to manage "workers." They condescendingly believe the "workers" can't take care of themselves, they need a government "safety net." This is a slap in the face to all the many Americans that have managed their own work lives.

No Americans are safe with Democrats in power

If you think you are safe from such destructive legislation, think again. Now that labor legislation has been implemented in California, the Democrats in Congress want to force the same kind of law on the rest entire country in the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. The only thing saving the rest of the country from such destructive legislation is a Republican majority in the Senate.

Tucker Carlson excoriates the Democrats for delaying passage of the Coronavirus Response Bill:

President Trump, while taking questions during a press conference, was asked if he should call Covid-19 the "Chinese" virus.  The reporter that asked the question was concerned that calling the virus the "Chinese" virus might create a stigma. The president's response was quick and to the point, exposing the question and questioner as dumb at best and malicious at worst.

Many are coming to realize that China must be held accountable for allowing the virus to escape their country. The Chinese attempt to accuse and blame the US for the coronavirus is reprehensible.

The US and other countries should rethink their dependence on China for essentials such as antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, and medical supplies. Go here to read an excellent article by Victor Davis Hansen about our current situation and China's role in bringing the world to a standstill.

Praise from his enemies

After days and days of listening to the media and the Democrats excoriate the president for his "incompetency" in handling the coronavirus outbreak, praise for his actions came from unlikely sources like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and CNN's Dana Bash.

Cuomo and Trump have had their disagreements in the past, especially over the president's tax reform of the SALT deduction capped at $10,000. New York taxes residents heavily, and with the cap on the deduction of state and local taxes, many residents are having to pay more tax to the federal government. New York could ease the tax burden on residents, but they haven't. Cuomo has voiced his displeasure with Trump frequently.

Cuomo said of the tax reform, "It was politically diabolical and also highly effective, and if your goal is to help Republican states and hurt Democratic states, this is the way to do it.”

In spite of his dislike of the president, Cuomo is willing to praise him for the work he and his task force are doing to manage the coronavirus outbreak in New York and in general. New York is the hardest-hit state in the country at this writing.

Even more shocking than hearing Cuomo praise the president for anything at all is to hear a CNN anchor say something good or positive about him. But CNN's Dana Bash did just that saying that President Trump is being the kind of leader we all need. Please watch this rare event.

Slowing the virus and saving lives

The coronavirus, now in every state, is claiming more victims, but President Trump and his task force are making their recommendations, and states are settling on a method to slow the virus. The American people are figuring out what they need to do to help.

Hopefully, if we all are willing to reduce our movements, we can help slow and even end the progress of the coronavirus. Let's get this done, America, so we can get back to normal.

Here is Vice President Mike Pence explaining that 15 days of social distancing will help slow the virus.

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