Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are exploiting the coronavirus crisis – again

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Wild-eyed Democrats in Washington and all over the country see an opportunity in the coronavirus crisis and are starting to beat the drum to change election laws to allow America to vote by mail in the 2020 election. Ostensibly, voting by mail would make the country safer, allowing people to stay home to avoid the coronavirus which experts are predicting will still be a danger in the fall.

House Democrats included language in the recently passed Coronavirus Response bill mandating vote-by-mail elections. The language was removed by Senate Leader Mitch McConnell because the law would “federalize” national elections, removing the states’ abilities to run elections their way. The Democrats didn’t let that defeat deter them, and they are including billions of dollars in their next coronavirus bill to implement vote-by-mail throughout the country.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi argued:

Vote by mail is so important to … our democracy so that people have access to voting and not be deterred, especially at this time, by the admonition to stay home,” Pelosi told reporters.

Actually, vote by mail is so important to …Democrats because it gets them one step closer to the method that won them wild majorities in California and the House of Representatives. That method is ballot harvesting.

Ballot harvesting

“Ballot harvesting” was used by Democrats to collect absentee ballots in the 2018 election in California. It is legal in California because of a change to their absentee ballot election law. But being legal doesn’t make it right.

AB 1921 amended section 3017 of California election code and was signed into law in 2016 by Governor Jerry Brown, to allow anyone to collect mail-in ballots and turn them into the polling place. Before the amendment, only family members or residents sharing the household were allowed to turn the ballots in.

What is ballot harvesting? According to the San Diego Tribune:

Ballot harvesting” is political jargon for a practice in which organized workers or volunteers collect absentee ballots from certain voters and drop them off at a polling place or election office.

So, after the slight change in the law, ballot harvesting was legally used in California by the Democrats. They won astonishing victories in the congressional races, taking 47 of 53 seats and shifting the House of Representatives to a Democrat majority with Nancy Pelosi as the Speaker of the House.

Apparently, the California Republican Party just wasn’t as good at harvesting ballots, though they could have legally done the same thing. Perhaps they were standing on principle, but this is war and the Democrats are winning.  The Republicans’  lack of foresight cost them their majority in the House, giving power to the radical Democrats and leading to the impeachment of the president of the United States, disturbing the peace of the country and the world.

The un-seated Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was just dumbfounded by the Democrat sweep in California, saying:

“California just defies logic to me… We were only down 26 seats the night of the election & 3 weeks later, we lost basically every contested CA race. This election system they have – I can’t begin to understand what ‘ballot harvesting’ is.

The Republican party needs to gird up its loins, engage in the war and oppose the federalizing of elections and vote-by-mail schemes. So far, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell seems willing to do that.

Go here to read a Heritage Foundation article on problems with a vote-by-mail election process.

1,973 Responses

  1. Stay at home safe avoid from suffering from corona virus and work on line. Get weekly payment no instant investment. Work on line from …

    1. This is just a ploy for the anti-American democrats and their tools for it the bought out biased medias propaganda LIES to cheat at the elections , so stay vigilant at all voting booths and all elections both local and especially national for any and all democrats and medias fraudulent means of elections, if not YOU and America will loose big time! This must be stopped NOW and far into the future Americans! D not be lazy and stupid and be like sheeple!

      1. If there are any extra items on this coronavirus bill that Pelosi is talking about it should be returned to them unsigned. They have more to lose than we do and I want Pelosi, Schiff, Schumer and all other ingrates out of congress. Regarding harvesting of votes and mail in votes that should be totally illegal.

        1. You are so right. Americans must realize if the Democrats do this they’re taking away our voting rights and they can put anyone they want in office. This goes against our Constitution.. Everyone will step into eternity and will have to answer for their actions.

    2. We will stay at home and make sure that I don’t get the virus and that if I have it don’t know it, this is why I am homebound. Nancy is at it again. The prune face is not happy unless she is trying to destroy what the American people want. She is nothing but a selfish big lair, cheat and thief. Just lied about her and her husband cashing stock to make millions. Sorry, sorry. Devil is in them.

  2. * Stay at home safe avoid from suffering from corona virus and work on line. Get weekly payment no instant investment. Work on line from …

    1. Ok smart one just how do you get your car a tune up by staying home?
      How do you get the gas tank filled by hiding in your mama’s basement?
      How do you get your groceries, some stores deliver but not all, and if every one stays home who will do the delivery, or take the orders?
      Stay at home is a crock of crap, unless you are sick or disabled.


  3. Pelosi needs to stop politicizing and do what is best for our country. She needs to go. DO NOT RE-ELECT HER. She has only her own agenda!

      1. Pelosi she is not a speaker ,she is a Spy of the House , and SHAME in her in stead to stay whit the NATION in this CRITICAL time , she is on worst which , and I and many others PRAY To GAT HER TO THE WORST ,EXACTLY HOW SHE IS DOING FOR THISE NATION TOGETHER WHIT THE TERRORIST SQUAD , WE HOPE SHE WIL GOT EXACT WHAT SHE DESERVE !!!!!!!!

  4. I agree these people really need to stay at home! But, sadly most people would rather run the streets as opposed to following the mandated guidance prescribed by the government. Another thing that “really” needs to be addressed is more people also needs to ‘wash their hands”! Even before this corona – virus I’d bear witness to many men this case using the men’s room”, and not at all even investing a few minuets to wash their hands! They simply walk right in….then walk right out! I’m also sure that many women do much of the very same…..and I’ve also heard from women that’s also a common practice as well! Pathetic!

  5. peolsie idiot needs to be tried for treason along with the majority of the dems now may be the time that 2d amend folks arm them selfs and declare a war aganst these crooks to save our country I think all we need is a leader…..

    1. But she and many other anti-American democrats especially from the corrupt obama administration will be tried only the pee-ons if that! America has the false mindsets that any government is too big to fight or fail and have blind patriotism to government corruption , also the false mindset that any other party vote is wasted besides the current , corrupt 2 party system of r.i.n.o.s. and especially the anti-America democrats and their tools for it the bought out biased medias propaganda LIES! The globelist , elites and other powers that be already think that Americans are too lazy and dumb to go against them, but yet on the other hand actually fear it!


    1. Wait a minute! Do Democrats know something that the rest of the people do not? Is that quarantine going to last till November?! Are they planning to turn us into coronavirus hostages?! I demand answers!

    1. I agree 100%……Voter ID in person voting!
      Also stop the cheating voting with harvest gathering used in CA. So dishonest!

    2. I agree. If it we can’t go to the ballot box, then we should not have an election until we can all go.

  7. Voting by mail will enable the Democrats to steal every seat in both houses and maybe the president’s position as well. That would be the end of America as a free nation. God forbid! Just cancel the election until everyone is well even if it takes another whole year. I don’t mind.

  8. I can’t imagine that these Democrats still get re-elected year after year. There doesn’t seem to be any common sense be their constituents. Even in times of war (like this virus) we cant set aside Political ambitions for the sake of these sick citizens that need our help!

  9. Money for anything other than financial support for the legal Americans, due to loss of work because of the virus, should not be part of the stimulus program! There has to be some legal issue to stop the democrats from forming investigations to get rid of Trump instead of working to help We The People! Why did they get money from this last stimulus. They have done nothing to earn any money. I think we should all be able to sue them for interfering with the problem at hand. Either do something for our benefit or get out!!!

  10. Absolutely NO to mail-in voting! The Dems have already stolen many votes in past elections; they are planning ahead. We cannot allow them to continue to steal votes and continue to harvest ballots.

  11. You can already do mail in ballots, it is called absentee voting. Pelosi needs to retire, she does not stand for the people, she has made it clear she is for herself and no one else.

  12. The Dems are dispicable, or should I say deplorable. They lie, cheat, ruin others, and don’t care about anything but investigating Trump. We must stand firm and not let them steal the election. Need term limits & oversight for these elites who are above the law.

  13. Nancy Pelosi is absolutely DANGEROUS for America! She needs Jesus! So do many other s. The democrats DO NOT CARE one iota about the average working Americans! It appears that most of the democrats think they are elite (better than everyone else). God says in His Holy Word, “Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory; but in loveliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.” Philippians 2:3

  14. please California vote Republican this tim around so that this country can survive. Get rid of pucky Piglosee nd the Governor and Mayors of the California for the safety of all.

  15. The Democrats are a real piece of work. I wonder how Pelosi can live with herself. She proclaims herself as a Catholic woman, but her actions, sure don’t show much of a Christian attitude to me. All she and Schiff have done from day one of President Trump taking office, is try to get him out of office. It hasn’t stopped with their impeachment farce, it is still continuing. It is very sad. I think they are of the opinion that they know in their hearts and minds that the only way they can get a democrat back in office in the 2020 election is to impeach President Trump. I believe that what goes around comes around, and Pelosi and Schiff’s time are coming that they will get paid back for all the devilish things they have been doing.

  16. I may be old school but I think that we still need to vote in person with legal United States I.D. or U.S. birth certificate and photo ID, as of right New York has issued DL to illegals. .

  17. Trump is doing a great job under very difficult conditions and shows us he is in control compared to the dens who have done nothing in 2 years except play games.

  18. Pelosi is Soros Puppet, She needs to go sooner than later. They want One World Order.We need to get her out and Schumer, and Shiff too.

    1. I agree! Have you ever seriously looked at Satan Soros, Pelosi, Schumer and Shiff head and even others, you can definitely see the devil in their face! How does Soros continue to breath – he looks and acts like the Living Dead- when does this scum go away…

  19. Pelosi, a demonic puppet, has no one else’s or the country’s benefit in mind. She only cares about removing Trump, gaining millions from lobbyists and her campaign minions. She is extremely evil and the day will come when the Deep State will go down. It won’t be soon enough.

  20. Vote by mail is a very bad idea more people would cheat and it would allow illeagals to vote in a election which they shouldnt be voting in because they are not from this country .Voting needs be voter id only .

  21. pelosi will use and exploit anything as long as she thinks it can be to her advantage……..
    She is NOT fit to be the head of OUR (we the people) congress…….
    Get her out ASAP, she has been for a long time and continues to be a threat to our country and our government………

  22. President Trump don’t let those crooked Democrat’s steal ANY Election, before that happens call for Martial Law!!! That will show them who’s in CONTROL.

  23. I think President Trump is doing a fantastic job of dealing with this virus. I wouldn’t want to be him right now. He is giving us the information we need to know without setting off a panic in the U.S. Nancy and her henchmen are doing just the opposite and are trying to create panic so they look like they are saving us from ourselves. They should be standing next to our President and working to do what needs to be done. When this is over I hope we deal with these traitors and apply the full force of the law on their misconduct.

  24. Nancy Pelosi has led the Democrat Party to a new low. They have hit rock bottom. She has issued shovels and they have started digging. The word despicable is far to kind, to describe her. There have been many hated people in this world that have called themselves leaders and she ranks close, if not at the top of that list.

  25. You have to be kidding. Taking our right away to vote and go to the polls. I sure hope this does not happen. Last I new we were a free country and free to vote for who we wanted to I do not support a mail in ballot at all this virus scare is just that and I will vote in our voting place period

  26. Why she isn’t in jail is wrong they all should be in jail for treason. Nancy kept saying No one is above the law then how come these democrats that keep trying to change the constitution, taking advantage of our country during a national emergency putting non related things to hold up a bill to save lives and doing all kinds of false thing to impeach a duly elected president. Our president can’t get anything done because of these democrats Pelosi,Nadler, Schumer,Schiff and several others should be put in jail some should at least be removed from office for things that they have done only to try to get Trump out of office

  27. We are talking about (7) seven months into the future. Go to the polls and vote these useless DEMONRATS out of offices which they do not deserve. They are not serving the American people. Each polling district has a printed roster at the voting station. Show proof of citizenship with Birth certificate and get out and vote. Pelosi does not run this country do not give in to her.

  28. Democrats are known for frauds through their identity politics. Foreigners are used, abused and destroyed. Nothing they do is straight forward. Voting by mail is deceitful, fraudulent and unAmerican and no where globally. It’s democrats way to fraudulently overwhelm United States lawful legal ways and rights to rightfully cast your vote as a citizen. Meaning that illegals can vote so Democrats shall win the House (especially in California), Senate and even the Presidency. California has about 85% of illegls in the United States that Pelosi wants to engage by fair or foul means to with the house, Senate and presidency if possible. . PELOSI, SCHUMER, SCHIFF, NADLER, UGLY MAXINE WATERS CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED IN CALIFORNIA. QUESTIONS? WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CHECKED ON THE HOMELESS POPULATION AT THEIR DISTRICTS? DOES THAT MEAN THEIR DISTRICTS NEVER GET FEDERAL FUNDING? THEY DO. THEN, WHERE DO THE MONEY GO? ASK THEM. NOTHING FOR HOUSING FOR THE HOMELESS? PELOSI AND REST OF THEM ARE ALL MILLIONAIRES WITH INVESTMENTS AND HOMES. WHAT AND WHERE’S DIANNE FEINSTEIN ? WHAT ARE GOOD OR BAD ABOUT DEMOCRATS? ??????

  29. No mail in voting. Nancy Pelosi is not catholic. All she cares about is power & money, not the american people or country. I am catholic, and she needs to go to confession because she has alot to answer to, to save her soul. That also, goes to all the democrats in the same boat. No judgment just the truth.

  30. PEWLOSI has lost all sense of reality and the practice of using common sense. It is clearly time to put this NAG out to PASTURE. She is contemptible, conniving, and despicable — to put it mildly. Each day she moves closer to being removed by her OWN PARTY. Her vengeful acts against PRESIDENT TRUMP get more loony as she goes. ENOUGH !

  31. I’m so sick and tired of Pelousy and her and her cohorts in crime taking this pandemic and using it to frighten and scare instead of trying to calm the population. They keep blaming our Potus and use every one of their underhanded lies and tricks to try to get the people against our President who has done a great and fast job in containing and working on the fixing of this problem. The previous administration didn’t do a single thing for over a month and waited until over 1000 people were infected with N1C1 to even start anything. And then they would not admit that they had used the saved supplies and monies that were for any pandemic so they were extremely short of life saving equipment. And yet they now blame our Potus for that–Ridiculous, thanks again Biden! When, oh when will the democraps start telling the truth and stop playing these ridiculous charades? The citizens that have brains (not the brainwashed ones) know what these dimms are doing so why are the dimms too inane to realize they are just digging their own graves even deeper when they constantly keep trying to undermine our Potus and his love of our Republic and it’s legal citizens? I say, grow up Democraps and grow a pair!

  32. Such a disgusting act to take advantage of a situation during a National Emergency like this coronavirus Pandemic is appalling !!! Sorry but things such as this should never happen !!! The individuals responsible will be held accountable & should be removed from Office by the voters !!!

  33. PLEASE get rid of Pelosi. Ask the overpaid sports players movie stars and polititions to donate a lot of money to help their country…congress gets a raise unbelievable they haven’t done anything for our country….DRAIN THE SWAMP…THANK YOU MR PRESIDENT..GOD BLESS AND HAPPY EASTER TO YOU ANS YOURS

  34. Please do not allow the democrats to do this. They have lied continuously just about everything that had to do with their impeachment and there so called fairness. Do you really think they can be trusted with the mailing of our votes. I would hope we stand up and say a GIANT NO to their idea of defeating Trump which is what that is all about

  35. No way Pelosi, DNC, Nadler, Schumer, Schiff. NOT GOING TO LET YOU HAVE VOTER FRAUD!!! NO WAY, NO HOW, NO WHERE!!! All elected officials MUST STAND FIRM! Mo matter what else is in the bill.

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