Megyn Kelly condemns media for ‘lurking outside’ her home, following her children to school

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After sharing thoughts during her regular Today show time slot earlier this month that many on the left viewed as racist, Megyn Kelly has seen her career derailed and her colleagues turn their backs on her. But if having her career ruined over a simple remark wasn’t enough, it now appears that Kelly and her family have been harassed by some members of the media.

Kelly revealed on Wednesday in a pair of tweets that paparazzi have been outside her home for days on end and that, despite her clear requests to the contrary, some were harassing her family. At least one reporter even took pictures of her children, followed her to her daughter’s school, and then published video of the young girl and her classmates.

Stalker paparazzi

Kelly first aired her grievances in a tweet on Wednesday, writing:

In a follow-up tweet, Kelly called out the media outlet directly, writing of the Daily Mail:

Disconcerting response

Replies to Kelly’s tweets were indicative of the coarsened and fractured society that has become normal in America, as haters and supporters alike took up entrenched positions.

One apparent Kelly supporter wrote:

But while many believed that Kelly’s children should be off-limits from the press, others weren’t so kind.

With Kelly’s fame among both conservatives and liberals, it’s no surprise that reporters want to document her every move after her shameful departure from NBC.

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Still, Kelly’s newsworthiness doesn’t grant the media the right to stalk and harass her family at their home, and it most certainly doesn’t make her children — or their innocent classmates — fair game to be photographed.

It’s a shame that some members of the media don’t seem to agree.

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