Leo Terrell walks away from the Democrats

Well known black civil rights attorney and Fox News contributor Leo Terrell has denounced the Democrat party on the June 12th Sean Hannity show. Terrell appeared with well-known black conservative commentator Larry Elder, to discuss the hypocrisy of the Democrat party with Hannity. The Democrats hypocrisy in the wake George Floyd’s unjust death has driven […]

Joe Biden’s racist past

If the Republicans want to defeat Democrat Joe Biden at the ballot box, they need to draw him out of his basement. For the last three months, Biden has been enjoying rising poll numbers because he is not campaigning. That is a winning strategy for Biden that Republicans need to disrupt. Earlier this week, Terry […]

The only thing between Trump and removal

The Senate has been the only obstacle between President Trump and removal from office. Republican senators strongly defended the president during the impeachment trial, and they didn’t cave to the left during the Kavanaugh hearings. The Senate has also been instrumental in placing President Trump’s appointees in the federal court system. If the Senate goes […]

Defund the police will end Black Lives Matter for now

The call to defund police will be the undoing of the Black Lives Matter influence for now. While Black Lives Matters activists and sycophants continue to romp through America demanding that the police be defunded, 18 people, many of them black, were murdered by violent criminals. Dozens of others were shot but survived. And this […]

Minneapolis Police Department to be dismantled

Minneapolis, a Democrat-run city for 62 of the last 72 years, is coming apart at the seams. A veto-proof majority of the city council voted to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department, a 153-year-old institution. It is no surprise that, in spite of its great age, the police department in a far-left city might have some […]

How many dead before it ends?

Recently, one reporter asked press secretary Kayleigh McEnany how many dead bodies it would take for President Trump to claim success over the COVID-19 pandemic. But the “protestors,” Black Lives Matter, and the rioters should be asked, “How many dead bodies would it take for you to claim success in ending police brutality, white privilege, […]

Black voices matter

America has heard plenty from Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Joe Biden, former President George Bush, the mainstream media, and others about the systemic racism in America and especially American law enforcement. Many voices saying the same thing, but something seems wrong. What is systemic racism? How can systemic racism be corrected? Is law enforcement racist […]

Rod Rosenstein the dupe

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein chose to appear to be a dupe, deceived by James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, and others in a Senate Judiciary Committee’s review of the FBI Russia investigation . The Senate has finally started investigating the origin of the Russia collusion investigation or investigating the investigators. Finally, because even […]

Rioting and the 2nd amendment

It is time to draw some conclusions about the last seven days of uncontrolled rioting in major cities throughout the United States of America. There are many, but this article focuses on one that every American should draw. The left is waging a war against citizens of the United States and the governors, the mayors, […]

‘We are f—ing done with people like you’

The most chilling part of the riots going on in the name of justice is the hateful rhetoric about how evil America is. The words uttered by a white rioter in Portland show the real intent of a lot of these activists: “We are f—ing done with people like you.” An American dared to take […]

Burning America down

Watching rioters burn and loot American cities by the thousands seems surreal. Where is law enforcement? Why is this violence and chaos allowed? Who is responsible? Attorney General William Barr made a statement today about the chaos, the perpetrators, the responsibility of local government, and the plans of the DOJ. Radical left exploits peaceful protest […]

The left is spreading fake news about the riots

Democrats are so predictable. When faced with a problem of their own making, they always deflect to blaming the problem on their favorite bogeyman: white supremacy. An argument that “white supremacists” are responsible for the rioting committed in the name of George Floyd has been introduced into the news cycle and is trending on Twitter. […]

Violence, President Trump, and Twitter

President Trump has been flagged by Twitter for “glorifying” violence in a tweet. He was commenting on the rioting in Minneapolis, which the left-wing media calls a “protest,” but looks a lot more like a city engulfed in flames. The city has been in turmoil since George Floyd died under the knee of a Minneapolis […]

President Trump signs executive order removing protections for social media

President Trump is a prolific user of Twitter and has used the platform to do an end-run around legacy media to get his message to the people. He reaches over 180 million people with a tweet. Twitter has enjoyed the benefit of millions of new users that want to read the president’s tweets. Democrats lean […]

Kayleigh McEnany takes on the big boys

President Trump’s new press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany came out swinging and the mainstream media is bloodied and whining. If you have been watching the White House press briefings for any amount of time, you know how obnoxious, combative, and disrespectful most of the reporters have been to President Trump and his press secretaries. McEnany, 32, […]

Ron DeSantis takes care of his people

People in Florida have to be happy that they have Republican governor Ron DeSantis at the helm during this coronavirus crisis. He managed to keep people in nursing homes safe and so far has piloted his state through the coronavirus crisis without losing too many Floridians or crushing his state’s economy. Sadly, people in New […]

Americans are done with the lockdowns – they’ll take their chances

It’s Memorial Day and Americans are out of their homes in massive numbers. Many have headed for the water, mobbing beaches, boat ramps and other water sources to celebrate in the sun. Some videos of beaches and parks reveal that “social distancing” is not being practiced and there are few face masks to be seen. […]

Mississippi church burning possibly linked to atheist group

In a Bible belt state like Mississippi, it is hard to imagine a church being burned down to the ground, but in the small town of Holly Springs, a religious bigot did just that. The identity of the bigot is not known as of this writing, but he/she made his/her views plain in graffiti sprayed […]

John Ratcliffe is the new Director of National Intelligence

The Senate, in spite of complete resistance by the Senate Democrats, confirmed the appointment of Texas congressman John Ratcliffe as the Director of National Intelligence. The news is good for America and President Trump. The news is bad for “the swamp” in Washington D.C. Finally, President Trump will have someone in charge that isn’t trying […]

DOJ orders California to open churches

People of faith in California are facing discrimination during Governor Gavin Newsom’s phased approach to reopening the state. California, the nation’s most populous state with 40 million people, has been under “lockdown” conditions since March 19th, with “blue state” severity. Churches, non-profits, bars, restaurants, schools, stadiums, theaters, and other places in which people assemble have […]

Criminal released: 80-year-old stabbed to death in Houston

A career criminal with more than 60 arrests took the life of Rosalie Cook, an 80-year-old woman in a Walgreens parking lot in Houston who was picking up a prescription. Lewis was hanging around in the Walgreens parking lot before he took Rosalie Cook’s life. According to Breaking911.com : Randy Lewis, 38, was reportedly menacing […]

Obamagate is not a hoax. That’s bad news for Barack Obama.

The media is in full damage-control mode over the scandal known as “Obamagate.” The most prominent coordinating talking point is that Obamagate is a “conspiracy theory.” So is it a conspiracy theory? The answer is an emphatic no. Knowledge is power, especially when the entire media is trying to mislead the American people. So let’s […]

Hillary Clinton labels lockdown protestors “domestic terrorists”

Michigan United for Liberty, a group against Michigan’s “lockdown,” recently led a protest at Michigan’s state capitol. Hundreds of people showed up, many of them armed, to demand that Michigan be opened up for business. The group has participated in several protests since April. Michigan’s Democrat governor, Gretchen Whitmer, imposed a lockdown on the state […]

A rogue judge is trying to convict Michael Flynn – again

After the Department of Justice filed to drop charges against Michael Flynn, Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan, a Clinton appointee and apparently a member of the “resistance,” decided to take matters into his own hands. He thinks that he alone can bring justice in the Flynn case. In his mind, it is up to him to […]

Is this our life now?

In this day of stay-at-home orders, face masks, social distancing, and “snitching,” Americans are wondering what the future holds for them. Will their neighbors “snitch” on them if they have someone over to their house? Will they be violently arrested for not “social distancing?” Will they be assaulted for not wearing a face-mask in public? […]

Trump is right: Testing is the way back to work and school

The mainstream media spends very little time, if any, reporting on the successes of President Trump’s efforts to combat COVID-19 in the US. Plenty of criticism is directed at his efforts, but the real achievements are overlooked and underreported. It may seem as if the president is tooting his own horn, so to speak, when […]

After horrific toll, there’s hope for nursing homes in New York

Dr. Howard Zucker, the Health Commissioner, a man comfortable with deciding who lives and who dies, is the official responsible for putting Covid -19 positive patients into vulnerable nursing homes and long term care facilities in New York. The death toll in those homes is close to 6,000. Why has the death toll been so […]

Red alert: Coronavirus in the White House

While President Trump is fighting to beat back the coronavirus and help the country come back from devastating lockdowns, the coronavirus is getting closer to him. Three top officials on the White House Coronavirus Task Force are self-isolating after being exposed to a COVID-19 positive person. FDA chief, Stephen Hahn, came into contact with Katie […]

Bill Barr’s DOJ drops case against General Flynn

In a stunning move, the Department of Justice dropped its case against General Michael Flynn. The Government has determined, pursuant to the Principles of Federal Prosecution and based on an extensive review and careful consideration of the circumstances, that continued prosecution of this case would not serve the interests of justice. You can read the motion to dismiss the […]