The Democrat debate in Las Vegas is the gift that keeps giving. The fallout continues as the Democrats realize that billionaire Michael Bloomberg is not going to save them from Socialist Bernie Sanders.
News pundits on the left are rejoicing in Elizabeth Warren's takedown of Bloomberg, likening him to the Titanic and Warren to the iceberg. An apt metaphor, it is true, but aside from literary rhetoric, what are the Democrats going to do now? They need a centrist that can beat Bernie and Trump, but they don't have one.
So, enter plan B or is it plan A resurrected? I know we've heard this before, but the Mueller investigation should have put those fears to rest. The Trump campaign did not collude with Russia in the 2016 election.
In spite of Mueller's findings, the Democrats have no other option but to return the Russia hoax. The Democrats continue to mention Russian interference in the 2016 election that helped put Trump in office. In fact, Adam Schiff ended his impeachment histrionics warning that if not removed from office, Trump might give Alaska to the Russians. He warned that because Trump cheated in the 2016 election, he will also cheat in the 2020 election.
Well, the volume and frequency of warnings from the Democrats increased in the last few days, and "Trump is a Russian asset" is trending on Twitter. Classified information found its way out of a congressional hearing giving new life to the hoax. The hearing was attended by none other than Adam Schiff. I wonder who leaked the information to the New York Times?
Joseph Maguire, the Director of National Intelligence apparently allowed Shelby Pierson and other intelligence officials to tell the House Intelligence Committee that Russia was interfering on behalf of Trump in the 2020 election without briefing the president beforehand.
Why didn't they brief the president first? Shouldn't he be told if the Russians are interfering? Why does he learn about these things the same way we do? The president was understandably upset, and it is no surprise that Maguire will not become the permanent DNI. The intelligence community needs to start supporting the president instead of trying to take him down.
This is not the first time Maguire has been duped. Maguire legitimized the whistleblower at the start of the impeachment inquiry in the house. He insisted that the whistleblower did everything correctly and in "good faith," even though the whistleblower didn't even have first-hand knowledge of President Trumps July 25th, 2019 call with the president of Ukraine. The Democrats used his testimony to justify further inquiries.
Maguire's 7-month tenure as DNI is expired, and he is being replaced by Ambassador Richard Grenell, a Trump supporter. Hopefully, Grenell will not be fooled by the deep staters in the intelligence community and will make sure that President Trump is briefed on all intelligence matters, including any foreign election interference, be it Russian, Chinese, or Iranian.
His own best defender, the president is denying that he is a Russian asset and that the Russians are trying to get him elected.
Another misinformation campaign is being launched by Democrats in Congress saying that Russia prefers me to any of the Do Nothing Democrat candidates who still have been unable to, after two weeks, count their votes in Iowa. Hoax number 7!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 21, 2020
The Democrats will never give up trying to beat Donald Trump, by hook or by crook. Stay vigilant, people.
For your viewing pleasure and some good humor, watch Mark Steyn discuss the Democratic debates.
The Democratic debate in Las Vegas marked the end of the group hug the Democrat candidates have been indulging in during the past debates.
Now, they can no longer maintain the illusion that they are the "nice" party. In Vegas, the gloves came off and the slugfest began.
The more established candidates were ready to attack the latest candidate, former mayor of New York and billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who stepped onto the debate stage for the first time in this campaign season.
Bloomberg has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising a larger than life image of himself, portraying himself as a centrist. The ads worked, fueling a meteoric rise in the national polls. Bloomberg went into the debate second in polling only to Bernie Sanders. His lavish spending triggered both the Democrats and President Trump to accuse him of buying the nomination.
The Democrat contenders did not pull their punches on the debate stage. Elizabeth Warren, in her opening salvo, landed some serious blows, going after Bloomberg's record on women, stop and frisk, redlining, and tax returns.
"I would like to talk about who we are running against, a billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians, and no I am not talking about Donald Trump, I am talking about Mayor Bloomberg."
Let's take another look at the moment Warren won the debate last night. #WarrenForTheWin #DemocraticDebates
— Amee Vanderpool (@girlsreallyrule) February 20, 220
Bloomberg, to his credit, attacked communism, socialism, and medicare for all. He pointed out that he was the only person on the stage that had actually started a business. He exposed Sanders' hypocrisy, saying,
BLOOMBERG: "What a wonderful country we have! The most well-known socialist in the country is a millionaire with three houses."
SANDERS: "Well I live in Washington."
BLOOMBERG: "That's the problem."
— Jason Howerton (@jason_howerton) February 20, 2020
Even so, Bloomberg did not do well on the debate stage, which pundits predicted and it seems they were right. To make things worse, embarrassing video and soundbites keep turning up, like this one about Trump:
Mike Bloomberg looked really uncomfortable last night. I mean, it was his first *Democratic* debate ever.
But look how much happier he was gushing about Donald Trump in 2011 -- at a time when Trump was leading the birther movement.
— Andrew Bates (@AndrewBatesNC) February 20, 2020
At a rally in Utah the next day, Bloomberg admitted that Donald J. Trump won another Democrat debate.
#WATCH: Mike Bloomberg on Dem debate:
"The real winner in the debate last night was Donald Trump...I worry that we may very well be on the way to nominating somebody who cannot win in November...a candidate like Senator Sanders, it will be a fatal error."
— Jennifer Franco (@jennfranconews) February 20, 2020
With all eyes on Bloomberg, there was less pressure on Sanders. Still, the controversy over Sanders' lead is interesting to watch as the Democrats lurch farther to the left but fear to openly embrace socialism.
Sanders' campaign has been under attack as the Democrat establishment worries that he cannot win the presidency as an avowed socialist. Many, such as Democrat strategist James Carville and MSNBC host Chris Matthews, are warning that Sanders is a bad candidate. The Democrats are in a pickle, and many fear that even if Bernie goes into the convention with the most delegates, he won't be the nominee. There is even talk of a brokered convention.
Sanders' supporters are arguing that the person with the most delegates should win the nomination. Sanders senior adviser Jeff Weaver stated, “If you go in there with a strong plurality, that person should be the nominee." Some Sanders supporters have threatened mayhem if Sanders is robbed of the nomination a second time.
How will it all turn out? We will just have to wait and see, and finally, the waiting and the seeing, thanks to Bloomberg and Sanders, has become more interesting. The Democrat Debate on Saturday Night Live should be very entertaining this weekend.
There has been quite a bit of back and forth between President Trump and Attorney General William Barr the last week or so. Barr has been working on various issues in the DOJ and President Trump has been tweeting on subjects related to those issues.
The president's tweeting touched on the recommended sentencing of Roger Stone. Former Mueller prosecutors recommended that Stone get nine years for lying to investigators when he was caught up by the Mueller investigation.
President Trump thought the recommendation was too harsh and tweeted as much. Barr was already was moving to reduce the recommendation but the president's tweet made it look like Barr was just doing the president's bidding.
Barr expressed some frustration with the situation, telling ABC News Chief Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas, “I think it’s time to stop the tweeting about Department of Justice criminal cases."
“I’m not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody….whether it’s Congress, newspaper editorial boards, or the president," Bill Barr tells @ABC News.
"I cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me.”
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) February 13, 2020
Meanwhile, back in the swamp, more than 1,000 former DOJ prosecutors and employees signed a petition demanding that Barr resign over the Stone controversy.
The signers included an investigator that was named in the Horowitz report. The online petition read, “Mr. Barr’s actions in doing the President’s personal bidding, unfortunately, speak louder than his words. Those actions, and the damage they have done to the Department of Justice’s reputation for integrity and the rule of law, require Mr. Barr to resign.”
The left has been targeting Barr since he said the "S word" (spying) in relation to the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane operation in a congressional hearing, back in the spring of 2019. Barr's insistence that he be independent is admirable and should lend him credibility as his investigations begin to yield some fruit.
Barr has been doing excellent work. According the Washington Examiner, "In recent weeks, Barr has established new rules for launching investigations into political candidates, requiring they be approved by the heads of the FBI and DOJ. He also set up a process outside of DOJ headquarters for analyzing the information Giuliani is digging up overseas..."
Barr does not cave to the progressive swamp creatures that are constantly accusing him of being corrupt, biased, and the president's yes-man, but there are signs that he may resign if President Trump insists on undercutting him with public discussion or tweeting of DOJ matters. According to the Washinton Post:
Three administration officials said, Attorney General William P. Barr has told people close to President Trump — both inside and outside the White House — that he is considering quitting over Trump’s tweets about Justice Department investigations.
But it looks like the Washington Post got it wrong. They might want to check their sources. The Director of Communications for the DOJ, Kerri Kupec, tweeted that Barr has no plans to resign.
Addressing Beltway rumors: The Attorney General has no plans to resign.
— KerriKupecDOJ (@KerriKupecDOJ) February 19, 2020
This is good news from the DOJ, because if Barr were to step down, the whole country would be the poorer for it, especially since none of the Crossfire Hurricane misdeeds have been settled, nor has the Ukraine matter been sorted out.
Former South Carolina congressman Trey Gowdy spent some time explaining his understanding of the DOJ's decision to dismiss charges against Andrew McCabe on Maria Bartiromo's Sunday Morning Futures. Gowdy clarified what charges were dropped by the DOJ and what might still (we hope) be in store for McCabe.
Gowdy, along with Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan and other Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, was investigating the Russia probe back when it started. They eventually produced the Nunes memo in 2018, describing the FISA abuse which the Horowitz report just recently confirmed. Thus, Gowdy is uniquely positioned to comment on the McCabe situation.
The recent headlines are confusing because they seem to say that McCabe is not under investigation, but Gowdy said that McCabe is escaping indictment for a "discreet fact pattern," for the leaking he did during the Clinton email investigation.
The DOJ was having trouble getting an indictment for those charges, and Gowdy suggested that they dropped the case because it was too weak.
The good news, according to Gowdy, is that the DOJ may be pursuing McCabe on matters like the FISA abuse and the illegitimate initiation of the Russia Probe and any other misdeeds McCabe may have engaged in.
McCabe could be cooperating with Prosecutor John Durham's investigation. Hopefully, Gowdy is right, and justice may yet be served.
Bartiromo and Gowdy also discussed the whole counter-intelligence probe and timeline during the interview.
President Trump has been trying to help people who have been harmed by the sanctuary city laws that have been enacted in various cities and states across the country. These laws usually make it illegal for local law enforcement to cooperate with ICE in detaining illegal criminal aliens. These sanctuary laws sound compassionate but in reality, they make life more dangerous for law-abiding citizens in those cities and states.
At his State of the Union address, the president told the story of Maria Fuertes, a 92-year-old great grandmother who was murdered by an illegal alien criminal. The illegal alien was free to brutally beat, rape and murder Maria due to New York City's sanctuary policies. He had been arrested five weeks before for assault, and ICE had asked that he be released to them, but he was allowed to go free.
According to her granddaughter, Daria Ortiz, Fuertes was originally from the Dominican Republic and immigrated to the United States legally. While in the Dominican Republic she had been a secretary to the president of that country.
Ortiz spoke out against the sanctuary laws that made it possible for the murderer to take her grandmother's life, saying he should never have had the opportunity to commit this crime. She called for changing the laws that made it possible for the tragedy to happen.
Her testimony and appeal are very moving. Let's hope that President Trump will continue to move against sanctuary cities and states in the US.
The Democrats are going after Attorney General William Barr, again. In fact, they have been calling for his resignation since he declared that the Mueller Report found no collusion between Candidate/President Trump and Russia last summer.
The latest outcry is related to Roger Stone and the 9-year sentence he is facing at the hands of federal judge Amy Berman Jackson, a 2010 Obama appointee.
This is the same judge that dropped the wrongful death suit brought against Hillary Clinton by the parents of Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods, two of the men killed in Benghazi. The parents believe that Clinton's use of a private server gave access to information on the whereabouts of Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was also killed in Benghazi. Jackson dismissed the wrongful death suit and justified the use of the private server as in the course of duty.
Barr's DOJ has suggested a lighter sentence for Stone. Four of the Mueller prosecutors that recommended a sentence of 7 to 9 years for Roger Stone quit the justice department after the new recommendation for a shorter sentence has been was proposed. Sentencing is scheduled for February 20, 2020.
President Trump has been weighing in with tweets, expressing disgust at the unfairness of the trial and the sentence.
Who are the four prosecutors (Mueller people?) who cut and ran after being exposed for recommending a ridiculous 9 year prison sentence to a man that got caught up in an investigation that was illegal, the Mueller Scam, and shouldn’t ever even have started? 13 Angry Democrats?"
So they now convict Roger Stone of lying and want to jail him for many years to come. Well, what about Crooked Hillary, Comey, Strzok, Page, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Shifty Schiff, Ohr & Nellie, Steele & all of the others, including even Mueller himself? Didn’t they lie?....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 15, 2019
Barr has publicly stated that the tweets are making it impossible to do his job. Senators McConnell and Graham are counseling the president to trust his attorney general.
Predictably, the Democrats are threatening more investigations, another impeachment, the total collapse of the rule of law, etc., and they want Barr's head.
President Trump could end all of this with a pardon or a commutation of the sentence. The Democrats will make all sorts of accusations, but don't they always?
Everything about the Roger Stone arrest, indictment, trial and sentencing has been exaggerated.
Roger Stone was caught up by the Mueller investigation. He has no criminal record and yet the FBI sent a swat team accompanied by CNN early on the morning of January 25, 2019, to arrest him at his home in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida as if he were a dangerous criminal. But he was then released on a bond that same day as the judge did not think he was at all dangerous or a flight risk.
Stone had a radio show, "The Stone Cold Truth." He had just published a book titled "The Myth of Russian Collusion." Stone made television appearances after his arrest and Judge Jackson finally put him under a gag order during the trial, and up until his sentencing. Obviously, Roger Stone is a very visible media personality that supports President Trump. Stone claims the Democrats were using the indictment to silence him.
Stone explains his arrest to Tucker Carlson the same day he was arrested here:
He was indicted for witness tampering and obstructing the Mueller investigation. Alan Dershowitz pointed out that all of the "crimes" that Stone committed came as a result of the investigation. Mueller failed to find any crime that proved collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. The jury found him guilty on all counts.
Tucker Carlson argues that the recommended sentence of 9 years is far longer than the typical 4-year sentence for a rapist or the 3-year sentence for armed robbery. Roger Stone committed no violent crime and at worst he lied. His real crime is being associated with Donald Trump.
Now, it has been discovered that the jury foreperson in Stone's trial was an anti-Trump partisan who followed the Mueller investigation very closely. According to Fox News,
"Former Memphis City Schools Board President Tomeka Hart revealed Wednesday that she was the foreperson of the jury that convicted former Trump adviser Roger Stone on obstruction charges last year -- and soon afterward, a string of her anti-Trump, left-wing social media posts came to light."
In the video below, Judge Napolitano emphatically asserts Stone's conviction needs to be overturned.
The biggest news out of the New Hampshire primary is the turnout for President Trump. Over 120,000 people came out to vote for a sitting president - the most in over four decades.
Oh man.....
— BlazeTV (@BlazeTV) February 12, 2020
The president lost New Hampshire in 2016 to Hillary Clinton, but he has a very good chance of winning it this go-round.
Self-described socialist Bernie Sanders finished in first place in the Democratic New Hampshire primary with 26% of the vote, only two points ahead of supposed moderate Pete Buttigieg with 24.4%. Bernie was polling with a larger lead over the weekend. Another moderate, Amy Klobuchar, beat Elizabeth Warren by 10 points and landed in third place with 20%.
The former Democrat favorite, Joe Biden, finished behind Elizabeth Warren in 5th place with 8.5%. This is the second poor showing for the former vice president, but he is counting on Nevada and South Carolina to give him a boost. Fox News contributor Chris Hahn predicts if Biden does poorly in South Carolina his campaign is over.
The Nevada caucus is on February 22nd, South Carolina holds its primary on February 29th and then Super Tuesday will be on March 3rd. Go here to get the primary and caucus schedules.
24 delegates were at stake in the New Hampshire primary. Sanders and Buttigieg each leave with 9 and Klobuchar leaves with 6. Pete Buttigieg has the most delegates heading to the Nevada caucus.
Andrew Yang and Colorado Senator Michael Bennet dropped out of the race today. Yang vowed to support the eventual Democrat candidate.
Michael Bloomberg was not on the ballot, but he is opening a campaign office in New Hampshire after the primary. He is facing some pressure for a newly discovered audio recording of him talking about the stop and frisk policy he used while mayor of New York. “Ninety-five percent of murders, murderers and murder victims fit one M.O. You can just take a description, Xerox it, and pass it out to all the cops...They are male, minorities, 16 to 25. That’s true in New York, that’s true in virtually every city..."
Oops, former Mayor Bloomberg has some 'splaining to do.
Folks on MSNBC's Morning Joe looked pretty mournful and sad as they analyzed the results coming out of New Hampshire. Trump elicited the only real enthusiasm out of Joe Scarborough, and his discussion of Bernies "unifying" victory speech just came across as forced.
Trump is still more interesting to Democrats even when the Democrats are really the news of the day. That makes sense when the Democrat platform is "Defeat Trump."
Good luck with that.
Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) discussed President Trump's best week with Fox and Friends hosts. They touched on impeachment and acquittal and the removal of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman.
One thing is clear: Trump needs to clean house. He has no room in his administration for disloyal holdovers from the Obama administration.
President Trump had Alexander Vindman and his twin brother Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman escorted out of the White House last week. The brothers had both served on the NSC since 2017 and had offices across from each other.
Vindman testified in the House Intelligence Committee's impeachment inquiry hearings, expressing his disapproval of the president's call to Ukraine's president.
President Trump is finally doing some housekeeping and removing people from the White House that don't support his agenda and in some cases are even obstructing his agenda, such as the author of "Anonymous" and the whistleblower.
His entire tenure has been marked by leaks, too. All of the Obama holdovers should be removed from the White House as they have done more than enough damage.
Predictably, the Democrats and the media have been characterizing the removals as "vindictive," mean, and a campaign of retribution among other things. Senator Dick Blumenthal said he feels a “very deep and profound concern and alarm," at the removals.
Clean house President Trump!
President Trump, by all measures, just finished the best week of his presidency.
The economy is roaring, unemployment is low, the stock market is high, and his approval number is the highest he has had. The Democrats have been unsuccessful in impeaching him, as the Senate voted to acquit him on both articles of impeachment. This week has been a relief to all that have supported him.
Many have said that the State of the Union address was the best they had ever heard. Indeed, the president had many accomplishments to present, and he featured the stories of many great Americans to show that America is indeed great. His America first policies are working even as the Democrats and the mainstream media attack him and obstruct him 24/7.
But the President really doesn't have time to rest on his laurels, and it is doubtful he would do that anyway. There is much to be done, not the least of which is to root out the corruption he has exposed in Washington D.C. It seems that all the Democrats are willing to risk their credibility to hide what went on during the 2016 election cycle and what went on in Ukraine under President Obama and Vice President Biden.
It is time to get to the bottom of Crossfire Hurricane and the illegal spying the FBI conducted on Carter Page and by association, candidate Trump and then President Trump. Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray has cagily conceded that illegal surveillance was conducted against Page in a House Judiciary Committee meeting. Wray does not inspire confidence and does not come across as transparent.
It is time to get to the bottom of the Ukraine scandal, but who can be trusted? The CIA? The FBI? Attorney General Barr? The new Ukrainian president? The old Ukrainian prosecutor? Rudy Guliani? Will the American people ever know what has really gone on?
Senator Lindsey Graham was poised to open an investigation into the Biden/Burisma scandal but is handing it over to the DOJ.
They will be vetting the information that the President's personal attorney, Rudy Guliani, has gleaned in Ukraine.
The DOJ is concerned that the information given to Guliani may be misinformation from the Russians. We should be concerned with this development as we can thank the FBI for the whole Russia hoax and the Mueller investigation.
One of the Mueller prosecutors, Andrew Weissman is still advising on how to get rid of the "amoral" president. Where is the proof that the FBI can conduct a fair investigation?
While the country has been twisted in knots by the impeachment and trial of President Donald J. Trump, the "Squad" and others have been busy redesigning our immigration system in House Resolution 5383, a bill "To reform the process for enforcing the immigration laws of the United States, and for other purposes."
Jesus Garcia (D-IL), Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Ayanna Presley, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar are among the 44 congresspeople that have co-sponsored the bill which was introduced December 10, 2019.
The New Way Forward bill is designed to remove the borders of the United States of America.
The bill, according to Jesus Garcia, will decriminalize immigration. Now, that sounds good, but legal immigration is not illegal. Illegal immigration is a crime. So, what he really means is this bill will decriminalize illegal immigration. That means that anyone could come into the country because there would be no such thing as illegal immigration.
Under the New Way Forward Act, anyone that comes into the US is in. No crime to enter illegally, no detention for those who enter illegally.
TITLE VI—DECRIMINALIZE 1 MIGRATION 2 SEC. 601. REPEALING MIGRATION CRIMINAL LAWS. 3 (a) CRIMINAL PENALTIES FOR ENTRY AT IMPROPER 4 TIME OR PLACE.—Section 275 of the Immigration and 5 Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1325) is repealed. 6 (b) CRIMINAL PENALTIES FOR REENTRY.—Section 7 276 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 8 1326) is repealed.
Of course, the US taxpayer already pays an enormous cost for sanctuary cities, incarceration, detention, education and health care for illegal immigrants. If this new bill passes we will also pay to lose our borders and import more immigrants.
According to The Hill: "The costs of illegal immigration are comprehensive. Even after deducting the $19 billion in taxes paid by illegal immigrants, the 12.5 million of them living in the country results in a $116 billion burden on the economy and taxpayers each year. About two-thirds of this amount is absorbed by local and state taxpayers, who are often the least unable to share the costs."
HR 5383 enables illegal aliens that have been deported to appeal their deportation and the Department of Homeland Security will have to pay to transport them back to the US for their appeals.
(d) TRANSPORTATION.—The Secretary of Homeland 16 Security shall provide transportation for aliens eligible for 17 reopening or reconsideration of their proceedings under 18 this section, at Government expense, to return to the 19 United States for further immigration proceedings and 20 shall admit or parole the alien into the United States.
Wake up America! This is what the Democrats will do to you if they win the White House and control congress. The bill has been referred to the House subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship. This committee is chaired by the now infamous Zoe Lofgren of impeachment fame, and the vice-chair is Pramilya Jayapal.
More to come as this bill will also make ICE ineffective and the whole country a sanctuary for criminal immigrants. This bill poses a significant national security threat. Call your congressmen to oppose it. Call your senators, too.
Tucker Carlson warns: "If Democrats win the 2020 election, some version of the New Way Forward act will become law."