On January 7, shortly after Iran bombed two bases in Iraq in retaliation for the US killing of their top general, Qasem Soleimani, a Ukrainian plane was shot down as it left the airport in Tehran. 176 people were killed.

The victims

The victims hailed from seven different nations: Iran 82, Canada 63, Ukraine 11, Sweden 10, Afghanistan 4, UK 3, Germany 3. Some were believed to have dual citizenship in Iran.

At first, it was thought that there was an engine failure in the Boeing 737 jet, but now it is believed that the plane was shot down by an Iran-owned Russian anti-ballistic missile.

Why was the plane in the air?

Questions immediately arise, such as why was there a plane in the air at all?

The FAA ordered all US planes to suspend all flights over Iran, Iraq, and the Persian Gulf. It is unknown why Iran did not also suspend flights out of Tehran.

The plane was only in flight for about two minutes and had achieved an altitude of almost 8,000 feet when it was struck by a Russian-made SA-15 surface-to-air missile shot from a manned and mobile Tor air-defense.

It is likely that Iran had their Tor air-defense vehicles manned and ready in anticipation of a US response to their rocket attacks in Iraq a couple of hours before.

At this time, it is believed that the strike on Flight 752 was a mistake.

Iran has denied that they shot the plane down.

This is a breaking news story.


Ricky Gervais lands more on the left, politically, but that didn't stop him from savagely and hilariously going after the gross and rampant hypocrisy of the Hollywood elite at the 2020 Golden Globes ceremony.

Admittedly, this isn't the first time he has lampooned them, but it may the first time they have been told that they have nothing to say.

Watching the reaction of the crowd is amusing as the beautiful celebrities are not sure how to respond to Gervais's jokes.

Among other things, Gervais told the glitterati that they should not tell other people what to think because they know nothing about the real world.

I am not endorsing Gervais in general as he has the same potty mouth most comedians have, but the video below is free of that, and full of things you always wished you could say to the preachy celebrities, producers, writers, and directors in Hollywood.


Events continue to escalate since a US airstrike in Baghdad killed Iranian general Qasem Soleimani. It is hard to sort fact from fiction at the moment in the fast and furious debate swirling through Washington, Iraq, Iran and the mainstream media, but let's give it a try.

In an interview with Chris Wallace on his Sunday Fox News program, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo provided some clarity on the president's strategy going forward. In a nutshell, it's to show Iran that there will be consequences if they harm Americans.

Why the urgency to take out Soleimani now?

Iran has been provoking the US for a while now, attacking our drones and attacking ships, but this time President Trump drew a line in the sand, saying that the US would not tolerate the death of another American. An American contractor was killed just a little over a week ago in Iraq in an Iranian-backed Shi'ite militia attack. Then the US embassy in Baghdad was attacked by Iranian-backed Shi'ite militia. As a result the US took out the mastermind, Soleimani, that was behind those attacks.

Many on the left are accusing the president of using the Soleimani killing to distract from impeachment. Wallace asked Pompeo why the US needed to take out Soleimani now. Pompeo responded that the risks associated with inaction on the part of the US were greater than the risks of acting.

Wallace also asked if the American people should have access to all the information in the briefings, but Pompeo pointed out that some intelligence cannot be shared publicly as it would jeopardize further intelligence gathering which will be needed going forward.

Democrats argue that Trump had no authority

Nancy Pelosi has accused the Trump administration of acting without authority, but the administration maintains that their authority derives from the AUMF (authorization to use military force) Congress approved back in 2002. They also delivered a formal notification about the airstrike on Soleimani on Saturday, January 4th, as required by the War Powers Act. That act states that notification has to be delivered within 48 hours of the action.

Democrats accuse Trump of starting a war with Iran

Pelosi also accuses the president of starting a war with Iran, but Soleimani was killed in Iraq, where he had been banned by the UN. The killing of Soleimani was not an act of war, it was the death of a terrorist, one who had killed many Americans, Iraqis, and others. Senator Marco Rubio addressed this argument.

General David Petraeus: Soleimani killing more significant that Bin Laden and Baghdadi

General David Petraeus, commanding general of the MNF (multi-national forces) in Iraq from 2007-2008,  said the death of  Soleimani was more important than Bin Laden or Baghdadi. In an interview with Foreign Affairs, Petraeus said that the killing of Soleimani is a strong message that the US will respond to the aggressive tactics of Iran and the killing of Americans.

David Petraeus: It is impossible to overstate the importance of this particular action. It is more significant than the killing of Osama bin Laden or even the death of [Islamic State leader Abu Bakr] al-Baghdadi. Suleimani was the architect and operational commander of the Iranian effort to solidify control of the so-called Shia crescent, stretching from Iran to Iraq through Syria into southern Lebanon. He is responsible for providing explosives, projectiles, and arms and other munitions that killed well over 600 American soldiers and many more of our coalition and Iraqi partners just in Iraq, as well as in many other countries such as Syria. So his death is of enormous significance.

Iran is divided

In November, Iranians protested their government. International sanctions and military spending have kept the Iranian people poor and they rose up to protest. The government responded with a brutal crackdown, killing many, and imprisoning thousands. They shut down the internet for days to try to prevent news from getting out and made sharing video of the unrest a criminal offense. Nonetheless, video has trickled out.

According to the BBC, "The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) has spent billions of dollars arming, training and paying militias in the region, saying that if the force does not fight Iran's enemies beyond its borders then it will have to face them on the streets of Tehran."

Iraq is divided along religious lines

What is happening in Iraq and in the Middle East is basically a religious war of Shi'ites against Sunnis.  The Shi'ites are in charge of Iran and almost control Iraq now. But Sunnis may by fighting back.

There is evidence Iraq is anything but united and that many Iraqis want Iranian influence out of their country. In October and November 2019, Iraqis attacked the Iran consulate twice in Karbala and set it on fire. They also tore down the Iranian flag and replaced it with the Iraqi flag. Iran sent Qasem Soleimani to advise on how to handle the protests in Iraq, and 250 people were killed during the protests.

Part of Iraqi Parliament votes to remove all foreign troops from Iraq

On Sunday, the Iraqi Parliament voted to remove foreign troops from Iraq. The vote was one-sided, all Shi'ite lawmakers. The Sunni and Kurdish lawmakers boycotted the vote. They are concerned that an Iran-led insurgency is the likely alternative in the absence of coalition forces.

According to the Jerusalem Post, "One Sunni member of parliament told Reuters that both groups feared that kicking out U.S.-led coalition forces would leave Iraq vulnerable to an insurgency, undermine security and heighten the power of Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias.

Indeed, knowing the power and influence that Iran wields in the region, Iraq could easily become a vassal state in a growing Iranian empire.

Pompeo placed the blame for Iranian aggression and endless war squarely on Obama

President Trump has talked a lot about getting the US military out of the Middle East and has said someone else needs to fight over it.

Wallace asked Pompeo if we were getting out of the Middle East or stepping back in? Pompeo stated,  "Endless wars are the direct result of weakness."

"The Obama administration created enormous risk to the American people in Iran, this administration is working to reduce that risk."

Wallace asked Pompeo if impeachment has emboldened our enemies, to which Pompeo responded, "You should ask Mr. Soleimani."

After the US airstrike that President Trump ordered killed Iran's top general Qasem Soliemani on Friday, there were a lot of strong reactions from the usual folks.

How did we get here?

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has been making the talk show rounds, explaining how Iran and all of its proxies became so strong. He points to the Obama policy of appeasement of Iran and the resulting strengthening of the Shia militias in Iraq, Hezbollah, and other problems.

Why didn't we know who Soleimani was?

Now that we know what a dangerous person Soleimani was, why were most people ignorant of his existence?

Perhaps we can attribute our general ignorance of such an important person to the mainstream media. which has been focused on partisan issues in Washington, and not so much on people and events that can seriously threaten us.

Take Soleimani for instance: he has been operating in the middle east for decades. He has had a hand in many of the events that have been going on there, but have you ever heard of him?

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley did warn the UN about Soleimani:

In the mainstream media, Haley's warnings fell on deaf ears. They had "more important things to do," like trying to get rid of Donald Trump.

What the Democrats are saying

The Democrats have taken the position that President Trump is the real danger to the world, and Qasem Soleimani was an Iranian folk hero.

Colin Kaepernick accused the US of committing terrorism.

Bernie Sanders: “Trump’s dangerous escalation brings us closer to another disastrous war in the Middle East that could cost countless lives and trillions more dollars.”

Elizabeth Warren acknowledged that Soleimani was a bad guy, but she called the attack a “reckless move escalates the situation with Iran and increases the likelihood of more deaths and new Middle East conflict”.

Many are outraged that they were not consulted before the attack, but their arguments are baseless, as the president was fully within his right to take Soleimani out. Soleimani was a terrorist and he had been banned from Iraq.

Chuck Schumer warned, “When the security of the nation is at stake, decisions must not be made in a vacuum. It is paramount for administrations to get an outside view to prevent groupthink.”

Nancy Pelosi chided President Trump: “This initiation of hostilities was taken without an Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against Iran, without the consultation of the Congress and without the articulation of a clear and legitimate strategy to either the Congress or the public.”

How will Iran retaliate?

Speculation abounds regarding what form Iran's promised "crushing revenge" will take. One way they could retaliate is through cyberwarfare.

It turns out that the cyberwar with Iran has been going on since 2009 at least, when Iran hacked Twitter. 2012 was a banner year for attacks. Iran mostly targets "soft" targets. The US targets government computer systems that are used to run Iran's nuclear program. They also target military systems.

Go here to see how many and how long Iran and the US have been hacking each other: US Iran cyber attacks.

Iranian General Gholamali Abuhamzeh mentioned some potential targets that could include the Strait of Hormuz, an important thoroughfare for American naval vessels and commercial traffic. He said there were at least 35 targets that Iran could reach including Tel Aviv.

Tehran also has announced that it named a successor: the force's little-known deputy chief, Brig. Gen. Ismail Qaani. According to the Washington Post, Qaani is not a networker like Soleimani, but an administrative guy. He has been around just as long as Soleimani, so it is expected that the empire Soleimani built will endure.

How will the US respond to Iranian revenge?

The State Department has pointed out that whatever the Iranians do, it will just be a continuance of what they have already been doing. That was the point of taking out Soleimani. He has been killing and maiming Americans for a long time now.

President Trump promised to target 52 sites that are important to Iran if Iran tries to get revenge for the death of Soleimani.

This is a developing story.

Watch Iraqis celebrate the death of Soleimani:



One day after a successful pre-emptive defensive strike took out Iran's top exporter of terror, Qassim Soleimani, the US State Department and President Trump are arguing that the strike was necessary to save American lives.

Ortagus stated: "We killed a terrorist yesterday."

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said the strike was designed to disrupt Soleimani's plots, deter further plotting by Iran, and de-escalate tensions with Iran.

For more on Soleimani and his past go here.

President Trump justifies the strike

President Trump issued a statement justifying the strike:

General Qassem Soleimani has killed or badly wounded thousands of Americans over an extended period of time, and was plotting to kill many more... but got caught!

"He was directly and indirectly responsible for the death of millions of people, including the recent large number of PROTESTERS killed in Iran itself. While Iran will never be able to properly admit it, Soleimani was both hated and feared within the country. They are not nearly as saddened as the leaders will let the outside world believe. He should have been taken out many years ago!"

In his first official appearance since Soleimani's death, President Trump answered his critics with, "We took action to stop a war, not to start a war."


Neither Bush nor Obama went after Soleimani

Neither President Bush or President Obama tried to take Soleimani out during their tenure. Bush thought it was too risky, and Obama wanted to improve relations with Iran. So, Soleimani continued his terrorist activities unopposed by the US until President Trump. Some described Soleimani as worse than Bin Laden or Al Baghdadi.

Senator Mitch McConnell justified the attack

Senator Mitch McConnell briefed the Senate and explained why Soleimani was such a threat, saying, "Soleimani made it his life's work to take the Iranian revolutionary calls for "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" and turned them into action." McConnel called Soleimani's actions destabilizing for the entire middle east.

Democrats assert that the President needed congressional authorization

Unsurprisingly, the Democrats are criticizing President Trump, saying that he should have gotten authorization before taking Soleimani out. 2020 candidate Tulsi Gabbard said that the strike was an act of war against Iran and hadn't been authorized by Congress. Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, and Pete Buttigieg echoed similar opinions.

But the war in Iraq, where Soleimani was killed, was authorized by Congress in 2001 by an almost unanimous vote. 

The preamble of the ‘‘Authorization for Use of Military Force’’ states:

Whereas, on September 11, 2001, acts of treacherous violence were
committed against the United States and its citizens; and
Whereas, such acts render it both necessary and appropriate that
the United States exercise its rights to self-defense and to protect
United States citizens both at home and abroad; and
Whereas, in light of the threat to the national security and foreign
policy of the United States posed by these grave acts of violence;
Whereas, such acts continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary
threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United
States; and
Whereas, the President has authority under the Constitution to
take action to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism
against the United States:

IRGC and Qods designated Terrorist organization

Obviously, the president has a duty to defend Americans against terrorism, and Soleimani was a terrorist. Indeed, the president designated "Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), including its Qods Force, as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) under Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act" on April 8, 2019. Soleimani was the Iranian Quds Force commander.

Congress approved the War on Terror long ago, and the strike on Soleimani was another action in that war. The strike was not a declaration of war, it was just another action in an ongoing war against terrorism.  Congress could amend the authorization, but, Congress is too busy with impeachment to worry about re-visiting the Authorization of Military Force.

Senator Lindsay Graham justifies the attack

Senator Lindsey Graham was asked if the president should have consulted Congress before the strike against Soleimani. He responded that that would be the last thing the president should do.

Graham emphasized that the strike against Soleimani was not an act of revenge, but a pre-emptive defensive strike to disrupt Soleimani's plans to attack Americans. Graham also said that Soleimani is dead today because he miscalculated what President Trump would do.

Graham advised that the US needs to let Iran know what will happen if they try to retaliate. He said that if the Iranians know what we will do, it will moderate their response.

Graham also warned that Iran has armed Iraqi Shiite militias and that the Iraqi government is in danger of being destabilized by Iranian influence.

Iran threatens "crushing" revenge

Iran's Supreme leader Khameini is threatening "crushing revenge." He is portraying Soleimani as a martyr. More to come.

Is a war with Iran next?

Fox News contributor Walid Phares suggests that Iran is not ready for a war with the US.


Apparently, while talking heads were debating whether or not the seige of the US embassy in Baghdad was Trump's "Benghazi," Gen. Qassim Soleimani, leader of Iran’s elite Quds Force, was planning a campaign to kill more Americans in Iraq. At the same time, the Pentagon, under the direction of President Trump, was planning a preemptive strike to take Soleimani out before he could carry out his plans.

US drone attack takes out Iran's top general

On January 2, Soliemani was in a convoy leaving Baghdad’s international airport with Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis when an American drone strike took out the convoy.

Qassim Soleimani  was the mastermind behind the attacks on the US in Iraq

According to the Epoch Times,

"Soleimani is considered the architect behind Iran’s elite Quds Force—an elite unit within Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) that is tasked with Iran’s extra-territorial military operations—including activities to expand Iranian influence in Syria and rocket attacks on Israel."

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei declared Soliemani a martyr and threatened revenge on the US and Israel, though Israel did not participate in the airstrike. Khamenei declared that there would be three days of mourning for the martyr.

Soleimani was actively planning more attacks

Soleimani was behind the airstrike that killed an American contractor last week, and also the attack on the US embassy this week.

The Pentagon announced that,

“At the direction of the President, the U.S. military has taken decisive defensive action to protect U.S. personnel abroad by killing Qasem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization."

"General Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service members in Iraq and throughout the region. General Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members and the wounding of thousands more."

US publicly warns Iran against further attacks

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had been publicly warning the Iranians and the Iranian backed Iraqi militias that the US would take decisive action if they continued to attack US interests in Iraq. since last Friday when an American contractor was killed by an Iranian proxy Iraqi militia.


  • December 27: Iranian backed Iraqi militia kills American in a rocket attack
  • December 29: The US conducts airstrikes against Kataib Hezbollah, a Shiite militia, in Syria and Iraq
  • December 31: Hashed al-Shaabi, a pro-Iranian paramilitary group attacked the US embassy in Baghdad
  • January 1: US regains control of the embassy after bringing in Marine reinforcements
  • January 1: US State Department issues a level four advisory Do Not Travel to Iraq due to terrorism, armed conflict and kidnapping risk
  • January 2: US targets and kills Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis in airstrike
  • January 3: Iranian Supreme leader promises retaliation
  • January 3: US media and Democrats in Congress have a meltdown

Do not travel advisory

On January 1st, the US State Department issued a level 4 travel advisory: Do Not Travel due to a high risk of violence and kidnapping,  On January 3rd, they advised all Americans to not approach the embassy in Baghdad and to get out of Iraq. The US Consulate General Erbil in northern Iraq, near Turkey, remains open and continues to provide aid to travelers.

This is a breaking news story.

Representative Dan Crenshaw talks about Soleimani. WATCH:

Democrats want to blame a recent spate of antisemitic attacks on white supremacy/nationalism and President Trump, but they are having a hard time with that argument because the attackers just don't fit the narrative.

Antisemitic attacks on the rise

Anti-semitism seems to be on the rise in the New York area. According to the BBC: "New York City police's hate crimes unit said it was investigating eight anti-Semitic incidents reported since 13 December."

But actually, the attacks have been happening more than most Americans know. We don't really know because the attacks have not fit the fake news Democrat narrative and so they have been underreported by the mainstream media. The Jewish community understands this and has suffered because of it as the attacks continue.

December 10th Jersey City antisemitic attack

On December 10th, a kosher grocery was attacked in Jersey City. Three people were killed, including two Hasidic Jews. A police detective was also killed and the two shooters were killed. New Jersey's Attorney General Gurbir Grewal announced that the attack was motivated by antisemitism.

"At this point, the evidence points towards acts of hate. I can confirm that we're investigating this matter as potential acts of terrorism, fueled both by anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs."

Indeed, one of the shooters, David N. Anderson, 47 was deeply steeped in antisemitism and driven by his ideology to violence.

According to the ADL, David Anderson posted many anti-semitic sentiments under the name of Dawad Maccabees.

 In July 2015 he wrote, “Brooklyn is full of NAZIS – ASHKE-NAZIS ).”  (“Ashkenazi” is the name of a Jewish ethnic group, which includes many Hassidic and ultra-Orthodox Jews.) He went on to allege that Jews were responsible for murdering black men because “the police are their hand now.” 

Monsey antisemitic attack

The latest attack at the home of a rabbi in Monsey, New York, was also not committed by a white supremacist, or President Trump. The machete-wielding attacker had expressed interest in the Black Hebrew Israelites movement as had the Jersey City shooter, David Anderson.

So who are the Black Hebrew Israelites? Again, according to the ADL: Anti-Semitic Black Hebrew Israelites assert that white people are agents of Satan, Jews are liars and false worshipers of God, and blacks are the true “chosen people” and are racially superior to other ethnicities. 

Misplaced blame

The mayor of New York Bill De Blasio finally promised to increase law-enforcement in the neighborhoods with large Jewish populations in Brooklyn. This is good news for Jewish people in Brooklyn, but De Blasio seems to be placing the blame in the wrong place.

DeBlasio said, “An atmosphere of hate has been developing in this country over the last few years. A lot of it is emanating from Washington and it’s having an effect on all of us,” de Blasio said.

After the Jersey City attack, Democrat Rashida Tlaib falsely blamed white supremacists in a tweet for the killings. She later deleted her tweet.

Joy Behar, a co-host on The View, also jumped to the same conclusion on national TV while interviewing former New Jersey governor Chris Christie. After discussing the vicious attack on the Jews in the deli and the policeman they also killed, Behar asked Christie, "You will concede that these white nationalists have been let out of their holes?" Sadly, Christie didn't call her on her assumptions.

Waiting for a solution

It will be hard to arrive at any solution to the accelerating antisemitic violence in New York until the problem is properly identified. While the Democrats try to pin blame on their favorite scapegoats, people continue to be injured and or die. Let's pray that the governor and the mayor do the right thing to protect the folks in New York.

Maybe it is time for these Americans to take their defense into their own hands.


There is little debate that former White House intern Monica Lewinsky saw her life be incredibly disrupted and nearly ruined following her sexual involvement with former President Bill Clinton during the late 1990s.

But now some 20 years later, Clinton is still having a disruptive and ruinous effect on Lewinsky's life as she was dis-invited from an event on "social change" after Clinton decided to attend the event as well.

Siding with a rapist

That report came from USA Today, which noted that while Lewinsky declined to specifically name the organization that had rescinded their invitation to her for the unnamed event, she revealed they had instead offered her space to publish an article in a magazine.

Lewinsky tweeted Wednesday, "dear world, Please don't invite me to an event (esp one about social change) and — then after I've accepted — uninvite me because Bill Clinton then decided to attend/was invited. It's 2018. Emily Post would def not approve."

That tweet was followed by: "p.s. ... and definitely, please don't try to ameliorate the situation by insulting me with an offer of an article in your mag."

While Lewinsky may have demurred in singling out the organization which had slighted her in favor of the former president, The Huffington Post went ahead and revealed that it was Town & Country magazine who'd pushed Lewinsky off to the side.

The event in question was the magazine's annual philanthropic summit held at Hearst Tower in New York City on Wednesday.

USA Today reported that Town & Country declined to comment on the matter, and are catching some flak for their decision to dis-invite Lewinsky from the event once it was learned Clinton would be attending as well.

Lewinsky: No consent

Lewinsky was 22-years-old when she had a brief affair with the president in the Oval Office, and though she has long maintained that the sexual relationship was consensual, she has rethought that characterization 22 years later in light of the #MeToo movement.

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She wrote for Vanity Fair in March, "Now, at 44, I’m beginning (just beginning) to consider the implications of the power differentials that were so vast between a president and a White House intern."

"I’m beginning to entertain the notion that in such a circumstance the idea of consent might well be rendered moot," she added.

Indeed, most of us realized way back then that Clinton had used his powerful position to coerce Lewinsky into the illicit affair. It's sad that 22 years later, the former president is still having a negative effect on the former intern's life.

During a recent Twitter rant on "fake news," President Donald Trump once again suggested pulling the credentials of some White House reporters.

Pressed about the remark during Wednesday's daily briefing, press secretary Sarah Sanders went off on a reporter who asked if the White House was seriously considering taking away reporters' credentials.

"Duh" Moment

According to The Daily Caller, Sanders was asked if pulling credentials was a line the administration would be willing to cross.

“I’m standing up in front of you right now taking your questions,” said Sanders as she bluntly stated the obvious.

She proceeded to note how Trump's White House was regarded as "one of the most accessible" in U.S. history and reaffirmed their commitment to a free press. She also noted that Trump had taken questions from reporters earlier and would do so again later in the day.

Unsatisfied, the reporter pressed, "How is the suggestion of taking American journalists press credentials away advocating for a free press in this country?”

Sanders exploded, “The fact that I’m standing here taking questions. The fact that the president took questions from your colleagues just two hours ago demonstrates this White House’s commitment to accessibility and to providing information to the American public.”

She then rattled off a few recent examples of "fake news" prior to placing the onus for earning credentials with decent journalistic integrity on the reporters themselves.

Shut Down

"We are here. We are taking questions," Sanders stated. "We are doing everything we can to provide regular and constant information to the American people and there is a responsibility by you guys to provide accurate information."

A reporter snidely interjected, "We wouldn’t be here to ask those questions without those credentials."

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Sanders bluntly replied, “And you are. You are clearly sitting here asking them right now.”

These reporters don't even realize the idiocy of their questions sometimes, complaining about their press credentials being pulled while asking questions inside the White House. Sanders set them straight, even if they refuse to accept her answer.

Of all of the Democrats who voice opposition to President Donald Trump, California Rep. Maxine Waters may be the most outspoken.

But now she may have gone too far, as she just profanely cursed and condemned the elected leader of this nation in a speech to union members.

According to Independent Journal Review, Waters recently addressed a small gathering of members of the Teamsters Union Local 630 in Los Angeles where she launched several verbal attacks against the president.

While speaking about supposed Republican-led attacks against unions, Waters loudly proclaimed, "Damn this president, we are not going to let him destroy organized labor!"

Just prior to that she asserted that our nation was near a "Constitutional crisis" because Trump was a president "the likes of which we've never seen before."

She countered the notion that Trump would one day learn to be "presidential" and stated, “He's never going to be presidential because he does not respect the Constitution of the United States of America.”

Waters seemed to admit that some union members around the country supported and voted for Trump because they felt they hadn't received a "fair shake" from Democrats.

But she immediately followed that with, "Let me tell you this, whether it is health care, or whether it is food stamps, or whether it is any of the issues dealing with the least of these ... (organized labor and the right to bargain) ... it has not been Republicans. It has always been Democrats” who stood with union members.

Later in the speech, she attacked Trump on the issue of "immigrant rights" and ludicrously stated that he "does not respect the immigration laws we have in this country," a laughable claim given her own party and state's actions in that regard.

She further asserted that Trump "doesn't deserve to be president" because he is "dangerous" and "dog-whistling" to anti-immigrant racists.

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Waters also declared that Democrats would "take back the country" and repeal the tax cut legislation, claimed Trump and Russia were in cahoots, expressed her support for the Robert Mueller special counsel investigation, called Trump a "crook and conman," and renewed her call to "impeach 45!"

It is one thing to offer up informed disagreement with the president on policy issues, but this member of Congress is rather ill-informed, and she has gone too far with her baseless and constant attacks. Watch the whole thing below:

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