17-year-old Baily Griggs was expelled from Cramerton Christian Academy in North Carolina due to her music performances in venues that serve alcohol, Mail Online reported.

Baily Griggs, a musically talented high school student, faced expulsion from Cramerton Christian Academy just before her senior year, sparking debates on school policy interpretation and enforcement.

Tracing Baily Griggs's Musical Journey Before Expulsion

Griggs, a prominent figure in her local music scene since age 10, caught the attention of Kent Wells, a producer recognized for his collaborations with Dolly Parton.

She developed her talent through public performances, frequently at venues such as bars and nightclubs, which have now sparked controversy for Griggs.

Cramerton Christian Academy allows homeschooled students to participate in extracurricular activities but rigorously upholds a policy detailed in its student handbook.

This policy forbids students from attending environments where alcohol and drugs are present, citing a conflict with the school's upheld values.

The Crucial Discussion With Griggs's Family

Griggs's expulsion came to Jennifer Griggs, her mother, through email. Jennifer argued that her daughter's presence in venues serving alcohol was strictly professional, not for socializing or leisure.

She emphasized the inconsistency in how the school applies its rules, noting that other students frequently attend similar events without repercussions.

Jennifer expressed frustration, criticizing what she saw as selective enforcement of the rules. "She's not gathering; she's doing her job," Jennifer stated, underscoring the professional nature of Bailey's presence at these venues.

Tensions Rise Over Fairness and Policy Enforcement

The community and school body have voiced divided opinions on the situation. Some endorse the school's dedication to stringent behavioral standards, while others criticize the fairness and consistency of rule enforcement.

Baily emphasized, "Rules are rules, but they should apply to everyone, not just some people," echoing sentiments shared by her peers.

Despite actively participating in the school's church and serving as cheerleading team captain, Baily's extracurricular engagements did not outweigh the school's concerns about her musical activities.

Consequently, she is now exploring alternative educational paths to pursue both her academic and musical ambitions.

Exploring New Educational Horizons Post-Expulsion

Looking forward, Baily Griggs and her mother are exploring alternative homeschooling options to continue her education while pursuing her music career, rather than seeking to reverse the expulsion decision. Their goal is to challenge the decision and spark a dialogue on the fair application of school policies.

In conclusion, Baily Griggs's expulsion underscores the complex interaction between school policies, personal development, and professional aspirations.

As she navigates these challenges, her case prompts broader considerations about consistent policy enforcement and the balance between educational integrity and individual rights.

The Griggs family's experience may lead schools to reassess how they interpret and enforce their conduct codes, potentially influencing policy adjustments nationwide.

In an emotional appeal in Washington, D.C., former President Donald Trump rallied Christians to engage vigorously in the forthcoming November elections, expressing deep concerns over threats to their religious values.

According to The Western Journal, during his address at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's Road to Majority conference, Trump accentuated the pivotal role of Christian and evangelical votes in ensuring the protection of Christian doctrines in the U.S.

Trump opened his keynote speech at the conference by underlining the importance of Christian engagement in political processes. He stressed that the current administration under President Joe Biden poses significant threats to the core values held by the Christian community.

Accusations were abundant as Trump criticized Biden's stance towards Catholic Americans, highlighting the case of Mark Houck, a pro-life activist who faced legal challenges. Trump depicted this as a broader campaign against religious freedoms by the Biden administration.

The former president did not shy away from controversial topics, touching on issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and transgender rights. He contended that these were areas where Christian values were being directly challenged under the current leadership.

Trump Spotlights Perceived Persecution Of Catholics

Trump also engaged with the audience regarding what he perceived as direct attacks on Catholic Americans, suggesting illegal activities such as spying were targeting them. His proclamation of an anti-Christian bias under Biden's governance resonated with attendees concerned about religious freedoms.

Moreover, Trump argued against Biden's interpretation of Catholic moral teachings, highlighting the contradiction given Biden's professed Catholic faith. He pointed out that several Catholic leaders have voiced objections to Biden's policies, which they believe contradict fundamental Catholic doctrines.

In response to what he views as widespread anti-Christian biases, Trump proposed the establishment of a federal task force dedicated to protecting Christian Americans from governmental overreach and persecution.

Trump's Promises To Defend Judeo-Christian Values

Reiterating his commitment, Trump promised to review and rectify the cases of individuals he described as "political prisoners," suffering under unjust persecution due to their pro-life and religious beliefs. His supporters have seen this move as a staunch defense of religious liberties.

Moreover, Trump reassured his audience of his unwavering commitment to defending Judeo-Christian values, echoing promises made during his first presidential term when he claimed to champion religious freedom like no other president.

Further motivating the crowd, Trump emphasized the significant impact the Christian electorate could have if fully mobilized. His speech strongly encouraged attending church and actively participating in the political process through voting.

Trump Encourages High Christian Voter Turnout

Highlighting the necessity of honest elections, Trump expressed concerns over potential corrupt practices that could undermine the Christian vote. He urged vigilance and active participation from his audience, emphasizing his perception of the current administration's failures and the need for a solid turnout to correct the course.

"If I knew there was not going to be corruption, I'd stop campaigning right now, we'd have this thing won," Trump asserted, underscoring the importance of fairness and integrity in the electoral process.

Summing up his views, Trump spoke directly to the attendees, stating their integral role as "warriors" in defending their beliefs against what he described as a dire threat to their freedoms under the Biden administration.

Support For Trump Among Christian Voters

Matt Carpenter from FRC Action echoed Trump's sentiments by commenting on the political climate. He acknowledged the profound understanding among Christian voters of what is perceived as an increasing threat to their values. Carpenter highlighted their ultimate accountability to higher ideals and divine guidance rather than any political figures.

In the context of the broader American political landscape, Trump's speech signifies a campaign rally and a broader call to action aimed at rallying the base of Christian voters who played a pivotal role in his initial electoral success and could be crucial again in the upcoming election cycle.

As the November elections approach, the mobilization of Christian voters remains a significant priority for Trump and the broader conservative movement, with potential implications for the balance of power in U.S. politics.

Reiterating The Call for Christian Mobilization

In conclusion, Trump's speech at the recent "Road to Majority" conference was a clear mobilization call to Christian and evangelical voters. Asserting the dangers posed to their values under the current administration, Trump emphasized the critical importance of their votes in defending religious freedoms and influencing the political landscape.  Moreover, Trump's proposals highlighted his strategic focus on religious liberties as a cornerstone of his potential reelection campaign, solidifying his promises.

In a spirited plea to safeguard Christian values, former President Donald Trump rallied supporters to combat what he perceives as threats from the Biden administration.

The Western Journal reported that during the Faith & Freedom Coalition's conference, Trump called for significant Christian voter turnout to oppose President Joe Biden.

At the "Road to Majority" conference in Washington, D.C., Trump portrayed the current administration as a threat to Christian ideals, emphasizing perceived encroachments on religious freedoms under President Biden.

He urged Christians to exercise their voting rights, citing concerns over issues like abortion, same-sex marriage, and transgender rights, which he critiqued as contrary to religious values.

Trump highlighted the importance of voting to combat alleged voter fraud and preserve the integrity of Christian beliefs in public life.

Trump Accuses Biden of Dictatorial Conduct

Trump intensified his rhetoric by comparing Biden's governance to that of a "third-world dictator," accusing him of undermining law and order's fundamental tenets.

This comparison aimed to emphasize the urgency of his call to action for voter mobilization among conservative Christians.

He highlighted specific grievances, including allegations that the Biden administration targeted American Catholics and prosecuted pro-life activists like Mark Houck, framing these actions as persecution of religious groups.

This narrative aimed to heighten concerns within his audience about potential bias against their community.

Trump also pledged to establish a federal task force to combat anti-Christian discrimination. He highlighted his administration's achievements, particularly the appointment of Supreme Court Justices instrumental in overturning Roe v. Wade, which he celebrated as a victory for pro-life advocates.

Christian Values at the Forefront of Trump's Campaign

Trump's address focused on defending Judeo-Christian values, portraying his administration as a steadfast champion of these principles in contrast to what he described as the aggressive secular agenda of the Democrats, particularly regarding abortion policies.

Matt Carpenter of FRC Action discussed Christian voters' disillusionment with government interference in religious matters, providing context to the anxieties Trump highlighted and emphasizing the need for political participation among attendees.

Throughout his speech, Trump delivered powerful rallying cries to the Christian community, urging them to recognize their voting power. "Do you know the power you have if you would vote?" he asked the crowd, stressing the transformative potential of their collective action at the polls.

Trump's Vivid Call to Action to Christian Voters

Trump's address critiqued the Biden administration while making a broader appeal to defend and assert Christian influence in American politics. He noted, "The evangelicals and the Christians, they don't vote as much as they should. … They go to church every Sunday, but they don't vote," aiming to bridge this gap in the upcoming elections.

He envisioned a mobilized Christian electorate, declaring, "Working side by side, we're going to defeat crooked Joe Biden, we're going to defend our values, and we're going to make America great again." This statement encapsulated his message of unity and determination among his supporters.

Asserting autonomy in belief, Trump declared, "Our allegiance is to our country and our allegiance is to our Creator," emphasizing a nationalist and theological commitment that resonates deeply with his audience.

Election Stakes Highlighted as High for Christian Communities

As the conference progressed, Trump intensified his critique of the current administration, framing the spiritual and political conflict as of existential importance to heighten the perceived threat among his listeners and motivate them towards active participation in the electoral process.

Trump's comprehensive strategy aimed not only to address immediate concerns but also to project a long-term commitment to restoring what he perceives as the rightful influence of Christian values in the U.S. governance system. "We're going to straighten it out, we're going to straighten it out fast," he assured, signaling his intent to address these issues promptly if re-elected.

Closing his address, the former president reaffirmed his commitment to the Christian community, pledging robust legal protections and institutional support to uphold their religious freedoms. He highlighted the proposed federal task force as a critical component of this strategy, aimed at safeguarding against discrimination or persecution due to religious beliefs.

In summary, Donald Trump's speech at the Faith & Freedom Coalition's "Road to Majority" conference was a compelling mobilization effort targeting Christian voters.

Trump portrayed Joe Biden's administration as a threat to Christian values, emphasizing the importance of robust voter turnout to defend religious freedoms and counter what he described as aggressive secular policies.

With accusations and promises, Trump tailored his rhetoric sharply to resonate with his conservative Christian audience, setting the stage for what he hopes will be a decisive showdown in the forthcoming elections.

In a solemn blend of grief and faith, the community of Scottsdale mourned the tragic death of Detective Ryan So, a dedicated officer of the Scottsdale Police Department. So lost his life in an unforeseen accident while executing his duty on June 13.

The loss of Det. Ryan So was deeply felt during a memorial service that encapsulated themes of faith and divine understanding, led by a local pastor using So's own Bible, The Western Journal reported.

Det. Ryan So's demise occurred as he served an arrest warrant. During the arrest procedure, a rifle unexpectedly discharged after falling from a container, striking and fatally injuring Detective So. This heartbreaking event precipitated profound sorrow among colleagues, family, and the community he served.

Reflections on Life and Faith

Detective Ryan So, remembered for his professionalism and kindness, leaves behind a grieving family, including his wife and three daughters. His death has deeply affected both his immediate family and the wider Scottsdale community.

On Father's Day, Pastor Brian Bowman of Valley Life Church in Phoenix led the memorial service, a poignant choice given So's role as a father. Pastor Bowman delivered a sermon using Detective So's own Bible, adding a deeply personal touch to the service.

During the memorial, Pastor Bowman highlighted three core attributes that defined Detective So: his goodness, his joy, and his strength. These reflections not only honored So's memory but also emphasized his steadfast commitment to his faith and community.

A Sermon of Depth and Understanding

"I’m preaching today from Ryan’s Bible," Pastor Bowman announced at the start of his homily, marking the sermon with a deeply personal touch. He elaborated on the virtues that defined Ryan So, emphasizing that his goodness was rooted in his pursuit of Christ.

Pastor Bowman's sermon delved into theological themes of human suffering, divine will, and God's omnipresent love. Using Apostle Paul’s teachings from Ephesians 3:14-19, Bowman illustrated the challenge Christians face in understanding God’s all-encompassing love during times of adversity.

According to Pastor Bowman, "You do not want to be sovereign over circumstances," a reminder that faith often entails surrendering control and understanding that hardships serve a higher purpose. This perspective was particularly poignant given the tragic circumstances of So’s death.

Public and Recorded Tributes

The impact of Det. Ryan So's service and his commitment to faith resonated not only through personal tributes at the service but also across digital platforms.

Pastor Bowman's sermon, starting at the 19-minute mark, was recorded and uploaded to YouTube, allowing a wider audience to experience the commemorative message.

This recorded sermon serves as a lasting tribute to Det. So, encapsulating his life’s dedication to service and faith, offering solace and inspiration to those grieving his loss.

In conclusion, the memorial service for Det. Ryan So was a moment not only for mourning but also for reflecting on the enduring strength of faith and community.

Through Pastor Bowman’s sermon, delivered from Ryan So’s own Bible, both attendees and online viewers gained a poignant insight into the depth of So’s character and the profound impact of his life and work.

Experts have unearthed a 1,500-year-old ivory pyx beneath an altar in an abandoned hilltop settlement in a remarkable archaeological discovery.

The Western Journal reported that this rare Christian artifact provides fresh insights into the artistic and religious symbology of late antiquity.

In 2016, the excavation unveiled two Christian churches and various dwellings around a central cistern adorned with personal items and religious artifacts.

Among these discoveries was the intricately carved ivory box or pyx, found under the altar in a side chapel, capturing the attention of historians and archaeologists alike.

The imagery on the pyx is both profound and unique. One side depicts Moses at Mount Sinai, a seminal Old Testament event where he receives the divine laws.

Gerald Grabherr, a prominent archaeologist involved in the study, explained the significance, noting, "This is the typical depiction of the handing over of the laws to Moses on Mount Sinai, the beginning of the covenant between God and man from the Old Testament."

Depiction Of Christ's Ascension Breaks Conventional Boundaries

The other side of the pyx presents a more uncommon portrayal: the Ascension of Christ into heaven, depicted not conventionally but with a two-horse chariot known as a biga.

This representation, previously unseen in Christian iconography, suggests a fascinating blend of cultural influences during that era. "The depiction of scenes from the Old Testament and their connection with scenes from the New Testament is typical of late antiquity," remarked Grabherr, adding, "However, the depiction of the Ascension of Christ with a so-called biga, a two-horse chariot, is extraordinary and previously unknown."

The rarity of such artifacts adds to the significance of this finding. Only about 40 known ivory boxes similar to this pyx exist worldwide, with the last discovery occurring nearly a century ago.

According to Grabherr, "We know of around 40 ivory boxes of this kind worldwide, and as far as I know, the last time one of these was found during excavations was around 100 years ago."

Conservation Challenges Due to High Humidity

Preserving this artifact posed significant challenges due to its compromised condition. Unearthed from a damp marble shrine, the pyx had absorbed moisture, making it extremely delicate to handle.

Ulrike Töchterle, a member of the conservation team, highlighted the precarious state of the pyx, stating, "Ivory, especially ivory stored on the ground like in the marble shrine, absorbs moisture from its surroundings and is very soft and easily damaged in this state."

The high humidity at the excavation site further complicated preservation efforts. Töchterle noted, "Due to the very high humidity of 90 percent in the marble shrine immediately after salvage, the risk of condensation and mold formation was very high." The subsequent drying process was meticulously managed to prevent further damage, spanning an extensive two years to complete.

The discovery's context raises questions about the circumstances leading to the artifact's concealment and the eventual abandonment of the site. By 610 A.D., the collapse of the Roman Empire and subsequent Slavic invasions reshaped the region's religious landscape, prompting the Christian community to flee, leaving many sacred items behind. "It's something of a mystery why the ivory pyx was left where it was, especially since a reliquary like this is normally taken away as the 'holiest' part when a church is abandoned," observed Grabherr.

Future Plans: 3-D Reconstruction of the Pyx

The conservation team plans to create a 3-D reconstruction because some parts of the pyx are too distorted for traditional restoration methods.

This modern technique will allow scholars and the public to appreciate the artifact's original craftsmanship and intricate designs, bridging a gap in history that has remained closed for centuries.

In conclusion, the discovery of this ivory pyx has not only unveiled a unique piece of Christian iconography but also opened a window into the religious and cultural exchanges of late antiquity.

The intricate depictions of biblical scenes provide a tangible link between the Old and New Testaments, enriching our understanding of the period's artistic and theological discourse.

As conservation efforts continue, this artifact promises to offer deeper insights and provoke further scholarly discussions on early Christian art and culture.

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