Democrats are making it clear that if you're a woman who doesn't toe the ideological party line, they don't consider you a woman at all. Democrats in 2020: "All women are equal, but some women are more equal than others."

Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, and Kamala Harris have all dropped out of the presidential race, leaving a field that with one exception, is male. That exception, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, has clashed with the Democratic party enforcers on issues like tech censorship and bipartisan compromise.

While she remains stridently anti-Trump, and a woman of the left, Gabbard has shown just enough independence to warrant savage reprisals from the party, as well as many of its more well-known members, like Hillary Clinton and the entire American media outside of Fox News.

That's why failed candidates like Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris feel comfortable erasing Tulsi's very existence. 

The Washington Times reports Kamala Harris as saying:

“There are no women currently in this race. We can have a longer discussion about it, but the reality is there is still a lot of work to be done to make it very clear that women are exceptionally qualified and capable of being the commander in chief of the United States of America,” Ms. Harris told reporters.

Ms. Warren was asked by a reporter what she makes of the Democratic nomination coming down to two white men and the message that sends to young women.

“All those little girls are going to have to wait four more years — that’s going to be hard,” she said.

The Gabbard campaign declined to comment on being overlooked by her former rivals.

Conservative women like Sarah Sanders, Kelleyanne Conway and Nikki Haley have known this for years.

Liberal enforcers claim that the Democratic party is pro-woman. But they save their most vicious and dehumanizing invective for women that don't toe the party line. Just ask Sarah Palin. Or Candace Owens. Or Laura Ingraham. And the list goes on.

When will the Democrats stop erasing women that disagree with them?

After the DOJ announced on Friday that no charges would be brought against Andrew McCabe, one feels a little deflated, a little discouraged, a little disheartened.

Is the deep state so powerful that no deep state actor will ever be brought to justice? Can the swamp actually be drained? Is it a swamp or an ocean? How deep does the corruption in the deep state go?

The Untouchables

Bad actors like Andrew McCabe, James Comey, James Clapper, John Brennan, Peter Stzok, and others seem to lead charmed lives.

Yes, they either resigned or lost their jobs, but they used the awesome power of the US intelligence community to commit crimes, to try to overthrow a US president, duly elected. They ruined the lives and reputations of Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page. They violated the public trust.

The repercussions of those violations are vast, disturbing the peace of the country. The activities of these deep staters mark the first time we have not had a peaceful transfer of power in this author's memory.

The acrimony, abusive language, and accusations perpetrated by the losing party and their media counterparts have encouraged uncivil behavior and in some cases, violence. Their rhetoric is so divisive, families are unable to carry on civil discourse at family events. Neighbors can't speak to each other. People who openly show their support for the president risk attacks.

The Democrats will brook no discussion. If you dare to disagree, you are not just wrong, you are evil, and should be stripped of your civil rights. The country is deeply divided and the Deep State, Democrats, and the media are responsible for that.

And yet, the Deep Staters seem so confident as they appear on CNN, MSNBC and other networks. They appear to believe they did nothing wrong and what's worse, they appear to fear no consequences. That is what is really worrisome.

What do they know that we don't?  The deep state and the media are protecting them and will not call their deeds crimes. The deep staters strongly believe there will be no consequences for their crimes.


The Democrats, the media, and the deep staters will say, over and over, that Donald Trump is a criminal, though, after 2 1/2 years, the Mueller investigation could prove no crimes.

After months of an impeachment inquiry, the House Democrats included no crime in their articles of impeachment. President Trump committed no crimes, but he is constantly referred to as a criminal. In most people's opinions, that would be considered a false accusation.

But it is not false to say that Andrew McCabe lied under oath multiple times. He admitted it.

It is not false to say that Comey committed fraud and signed off on illegitimate FISA warrant applications to spy on Carter Page. The Horowitz ICIG report revealed that.

It is not false to say that Comey side-stepped protocol and did not warn President Trump that he was being investigated.

It is not false to say that Peter Strzok is highly partisan, hates Donald Trump, helped entrap Michael Flynn, and should have recused himself from any investigation of Donald Trump or his associates. His own texts reveal that.

Let's not forget all the crimes that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton committed, and yet she is also still at large. Trump did not destroy official documents  but she did. He did not go outside regular channels and use private email servers to conduct official business, but she did. He did not preside over and then lie about the Benghazi tragedy, but she did.

Is there any hope? When will these officials, vested with dangerous power, be held accountable?

Andrew "The Bulldog" Weissman, a Mueller investigation prosecutor, suggested that the DOJ dropped charges against Andrew McCabe because they were too weak. He also suggested that new stronger charges would be brought by John Durham. Let's hope that is true.

Florida congressman Matt Gaetz gives his take on the DOJ dropping charges against McCabe.


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